Chapter 14

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Levi 's POV

I woke up earlier than Eren so I decided to make breakfast. I get up and take a quick shower. I had to go back to work while Eren had to go back to school.

I walked to the kitchen and made some coffee. I got a pan out and got the ingredients to make pancakes. I heard from Mikasa Eren likes pancakes.

As I was placing the last pancake down on Eren's plate I heard him walking downstairs. "Morning princess sleep well?" I asked teasing him. He flicked Me off in return. I chuckled.

He sat down and I placed his coffee and pancakes in front of him. His eyes lit up and smiled. "Pancakes! Thank you Levi!!" He said happily. I smiled and sat down across from him.

He was stuffing his face and I chuckled. "Remember you go back to school today right. And I have to got back to work." I sighed. He cursed when he heard that.

After breakfast we got ready to leave. I didn't want to be with those shitty brats. But oh well. Eren came down the stairs in his school uniform. He was sulking because of the fact he's got to go back to school.

I chuckled at his childness it was rather amusing. I grab my keys and personal belongings such as wallet and the test papers. Eren made his way to the car. While I locked the door.

The drive there was quiet other than Eren humming along to a song on the radio. I enjoyed his singing. We arrived at school a few minutes early.

We both walked to the classroom. It was the second semester so Eren had new schedules.

1st- Math with Mr. Ackerman
2nd- Biology with Hanji
3rd- Physical Ed with Coach Mike
4th- History with Mr. Gunther
5th- Study Hall with Mr. Ackerman

His schedule was full but hey I get for two classes. The bell rang signalling for class to start.

Eren's POV

I woke up and Levi wasn't beside me. As I got up I smelt something heavenly. I walked downstairs to see Levi putting the last pancake on a plate.

He turned towards me and said morning princess. I flicked him off on response to that. He chuckled. Then I saw the pancakes I thanked him and he smiled.

As I was eating Levi said I go back to school. I cursed. I hated school it was full of judgemental people and bullies. Yes bullies. When breakfast was over I went to change into my uniform.

I walked downstairs to see Levi waiting on me. He grabs the stuff he needs for today and we leave. When he was locking the door I walked towards the car.

It was a quiet drive there I hummed along to a few songs. And Levi listened. We got to hell I mean school a few minutes early. So me and Levi went over my new schedule.

The bell rang a few minutes later. I took my seat in the back. I watched as the students walked in one by one. Today is going to be boring.

I felt someone tap on my shoulder I look up to see a boy with blond hair and baby blue eyes. "May I sit beside you?" He asked quietly and I nodded. "I'm Armin." He said. "Eren." I said holding out my hand.

The day went pretty smooth well except horseface was being an asshole. Me and Armin became good friends. He lives with his grandfather.

Time skip

"Ahh at last the day has come to an end!" I say plopping down on the couch. Levi chuckled and went to the kitchen to fix dinner. He was talking to me but I couldn't hear him I was sleepy.

Another chapter done

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