Chapter 23

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Eren's POV

   When I made it to Hanji's class she saw me walk in. "Nice of you to join us Eren. May I speak with you out in the hall?" She asked and I nodded. Great. I walked out into the hall and she followed.

   She closed the door and sighed. "Eren are you okay?" She asked. I nodded cautiously. She looked me straight in the eyes. "Eren quit lying please you can tell me. If you're worried that I might tell Levi I won't." She said.

     I looked at her and she meant it. I sighed and looked away. "Don't you dare tell her anything like she can help you."  The voice said. I looked back at her and she had pleading eyes. "'s not that I don't trust you it's just something I gotta figure out on My own. But thank you if I need advice or anything I'll come to you okay?" I said giving her a reassuring smile.

    She nodded and sighed. We walked back into the class. Jean got expelled again. I laughed when I heard. I now have a few bruises such as the one on my jaw and a black eye. And a little busted lip.

     After Hanji's class was P.E. my favorite subject. Not. They always ganged up on the weak. I waited until the others changed and then I changed. I don't want no one to know about my scars.

     We split up in teams and played dodgeball. I stayed in the back mostly. We played that until the bell rang. That game is hellish. Okay my next class is history. That's with Mr. Gunther we learn about titans that used to exist.

     It's rather boring if you ask me. Finally the bell rang and I rushed to Levi 's classroom. I've already finished my work. "Hey brat you just couldn't wait to see me eh?" Levi said smirking as I walked in.

      I blushed a tiny bit at the comment. "N-no." I said accidentally stuttering. He chuckled and I took my seat before the other students came in.

     I was finally at my last class, which is study hall. Levi sat at his desk grading papers. I had already finished everything so I just sat there. Until I felt my phone vibrate yet again. I checked who it was and it was the unknown number again.

Unknown: Remember if you don't come tomorrow your sister dies. And then I'll hunt down your boyfriend.

Eren: Listen here you asshole lay on finger on Mikasa and you're dead. Instead if you lay a finger on anyone that I love you will die.

Unknown: We'll see about that see you tomorrow don't be late.

  I put my phone back in my pocket and packed up my stuff. I finished just as the bell rang.

Levi 's POV

I took that horseface to the office and he got expelled yet again. I hope Eren's okay. I walked around the corner and saw Hanji talking to Eren. She was asking him if anything's wrong.

      He played it off like he normally does. I walked back to my classroom and waited for my next class to arrive. The bell finally rang and Eren was the first one here.

     I asked him if he missed me and he blushed at the comment. I chuckled as He took his seat. The class started and they got their work out like told to do and started working.

      I was sitting at my desk grading papers occasionally looking up. I saw Eren on his phone he looked angry. Come to think of it he was too this morning when he slammed his hands down.

     I wonder what's got him so angry. I'll ask him later. I saw Eren start to pack his stuff up. When he finished the bell rang and the students hurried an packed up.

     Eren walked to his locker and I walked to the car. Eren showed up moments later. The drive home was quiet for the most part. "Hey brat?" I asked him and he hummed a yes. "Who were you texting that made you so mad?" I asked.

     I saw him tense from the corner of my eyes. "No one important." He said looking forward. "It has to be important if they made you that angry?" I said. "Can we please drop this conversation I've had a bad day." He said sighing.

     I nodded in agreement, when we got home Eren went straight towards the bedroom. I heard the shower cut on. And had a devilish idea.
     I walked into the bedroom quietly and heard humming. I smirked. I quietly opened the bathroom door. "Levi is that you?" Eren asked. I chuckled before replying. "Naw it's the boogeyman. Of course it's me." I said getting undressed.

     I opened the shower curtain and got in. Eren squeaked and blush. "L-Levi w-what are you doin in here?" Eren said stuttering. "You were taking forever and I wanted a hot shower too." I said.

     Truth be told I just wanted to see him naked. I Love Eren very much.

That's it for this Chapter smut will be in the next chapter

Some Scars Never Heal (EreRi) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now