Chapter 7

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Eren's POV

The next day I was released from the hospital. I was happy and I could tell Levi was relieved. I feel so calm and protected when I'm with him. I have been having these weird feelings. I feel warm and fuzzy when I'm around him. We drove to my old house to get my stuff I would need. I started to tense up when we got close. "Eren, it will be okay I promise. I'm here he's not going to hurt you anymore I promise." Levi said when we got to the front steps.

After we get my stuff we head to Levi 's apartment. I shouldn't be trusting him. I don't want to be hurt again. But I can't help but trust him even if it's just a little. We get to Levi 's apartment and it has a beautiful view of the sunset and sunrise. We gather my stuff up and I settle in he luckily had a spare bedroom. "Hey Eren I'm about to make dinner so go wash up the bathrooms down the hallway."Levi said and I nodded in response.

     After a quick shower I walk to the kitchen to see Levi cooking. It smelt amazing I wonder what he's cooking. "Hey....Levi what are you cooking?" I ask with curiosity. "I'm cooking food. You can go watch t.v if you want brat." Levi said with his back turned. I silently walked into the living room and watched t.v.

Levi 's POV

After I checked Eren out of the hospital I drove to his old home so he could get his stuff. The ride there was in complete silence. I know Eren is nervous he's scared to trust me. When we got to his front door he tensed up. I told him it was okay I was there. He seemed to relax a little.

    After we got his stuff we went back to my apartment. The drive there was in silence. After we got there I helped get settled in the guest bedroom. I told him to go wash up. While I was making dinner I heard him walk in the kitchen quietly. I told him he could go watch t.v..

       After I got dinner done I set the table. "Oi, Eren dinner's done." I said. I didn't get a response figures. I walked to the living room to see Eren fell asleep. "Hey Eren dinner is done and you don't need to sleep on the couch." I said waking him up. "Sorry Levi." He said sitting up. "It's fine let's go eat." I said walking to the table. He hummed in response.

    After dinner Eren helped me with the dishes. I washed while he dried them. When we finished the dishes I took a shower while Eren went to bed. After I got out of the shower I checked the time it was 10:45 it has been a long day. I sat up grading papers till about midnight. After that I went to sleep. I only slept for about four hours before I woke up from my nightmare. The same one over and over again. Isabel's and my mother's death. Ever since their death's I've had sleep insomnia it haunts me every night.

   I lay there for what it seems like for hours until I hear small sniffles. They were coming from Eren's room. I got up and walked to his room quietly. I knocked softly and I hear slight movement on the other side. The door opened quietly and slowly. "I'm sorry I woke you up Levi." He said looking down. "You didn't wake me I've been awake for a bit." I say looking at him. He looked up at me slowly. "Are you okay?" I asked softly. He nodded in response. "If you need to talk or anything you know where I'm at." I say and he nods.

      After Eren went back to bed I went to the kitchen to check the time. It was currently 5:30 in the morning. I might as well stay up. I sit on the couch and start reading on my book.

Eren's POV (again)

After Levi went to get a shower I went to bed. I had a nightmare where Levi was killed by Grisha because of me. I woke up in cold sweat. I started shaking and crying. I heard a soft knock on my door. I opened it up and it was Levi. He asked if I was okay I nodded. I can't tell him he might leave. He told me where I could find him if I needed anything I nodded in response. He left and I went back to bed for a few more hours of sleep.

Hiya guys Author-Chan here how do you guys like the story so far. This chapter was a little longer than the others. Thanks for the support love you guys

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