Chapter 4

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Eren's POV

After I was able to get away from Levi I didn't feel like going to the rest of my classes. So I decided to skip, Grisha wouldn't find out unless someone told him. I started walking to the café. That's the only place I can hangout where its peaceful.

After a little while I left and headed towards the park. I checked the time on my phone it was only 3:15. Schools already out and didn't have to be home until 4:00. So I started walking towards my house it'll take 15 minutes to get there. I take out my phone and put my headphones in. Music is calming to me. I finally reach my house so I put my phone in my bag. I open the front door slowly. "Hey fag. Your late and you didn't do your chores you stupid faggot." Grisha said harshly. He punched me in my stomach and I fell to my knees then he punched me in the face. I kept getting kicked repeatedly in the stomach. I coughed up blood and my nose was bleeding.

After I woke up Grisha was nowhere to be seen. I slowly got up limping up the stairs. I limp to the bathroom and take a warm bath. I just sit in the warm water and relax slowly cleaning my body careful not to make the cuts and bruises worse. I get out and wrap a towel around my waist. I put on some sweatpants and a T-shirt. Luckily I finished my homework at school. After about an hour I fell into a deep slumber.

Levi 's POV

I watched as Eren left quickly, he's not a very good liar. My afternoon class came and gone. I went home after grading papers and making tests. I stopped by a café to get something to eat. The café is called Titan Café. Farlan Church owns the café. After I eat I head home, my head is filled with that arrogant brat.

After I get home I clean the apartment and get a shower. I read a few chapters then head to bed. I wake up in cold sweat from the old memories that turned into nightmares. I get up and check the time. It was 5:30, I have to get up in an hour anyway so might as well get up now. I get up and head to the bathroom for a shower. After the shower I head to the kitchen for some coffee. I check the time it was 6:15 so I get ready. It was Friday so we could dress casual. I put on some black skinny jeans and a white button up shirt I leave it untucked. I get ready to leave and so I put on my dark blue vans and grab my keys.

I arrive at school a little early to clean the classroom before the students arrive. I clean the desks and the windows a little bit. They were absolutely disgusting, I finish cleaning the last window when the bell rang. The students piled in one by one taking there seats. I looked around the room to see an empty seat. It was Eren's seat, I waited for a few more minutes and decided to start class. As class was starting Jean and Marcus came in late. They were trying to sneak in when I had my back turned. "Jean,Marco would you care to explain why you two were late." I say with my back still turned. " M-Marco couldn't get his locker open so I um helped him." Jean says nervously. "Well since you don't wanna tell the real reason you two can take a little walk to Mr. Smith's office. And by the way keep your personal business at home not at school okay." I say looking at them. They both had a blush on their face a mile long. They left the classroom and some of the students started to snicker and whisper. "Alright brats, time to start class turn to page 127 and read until I say stop. If you make a sound you will be sitting with Mr.Erwin." I say looking around the room.
After the bell rang for the students to leave. I went to the vending machine to get a drink.
I overheard some students talking. "Eren isn't here today. You think Grisha beat him again? Hope he's not in the hospital again." All those things said stayed in my mind for the rest of the day.

Well that's it for this chapter sorry the updates are slow.

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