Chapter 18

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Eren's POV

I answered the phone with a hello to the unknown number. "Eren! Please listen this one time to me!" Levi said. He sounded like he was crying. "Okay Levi" I said with no emotions. I have to hide them no.matter.what.

   "I love you more than you know.  There's something I hadn't told you. After my mom and little sister died. I fell off the deep end. I started to cut And do all kinds of stuff.
   I tried to kill myself but Hanji found me and called an ambulance. I made a promise to Hanji to live and keep fighting. So I'm not gonna give up on us." Levi said. My heart felt it was shattered not with pain but guilt.

    "Eren I don't know if you're listening to me or not. But I love you so much that I'd do anything. Even if it meant giving up my life." Levi said and I broke down.

    I started to cry but was able to talke somewhat. "L-Levi,G-Grisha is after me. And I don't want you to get hurt. So please be safe. I don't want no harm to you or anyone because of me." I finished.

heard him sniffle before continuing. "Eren. Grisha isn't gonna hurt me or you. The one thing that is gonna hurt me is you leaving me. I love you if I lost you again I don't know what'd I'd do." Levi said.

      I smiled sadly with tears in my eyes. "Levi. I'll call you back. Bye." I said hanging up. I text Mikasa telling her the change of plans.

Eren- Mikasa don't worry about picking me up I change my mind. And you should spend more time with Annie. Don't worry about me.

Mikasa- okay. But how'd you know about Annie. Me and her are only friends.

Eren- Mikasa I know you love her. And you should tell her before it's too late.

Mikasa- alright Eren I will love you be careful.

Eren- love you too and I will.

I put my phone back in my pocket. I sigh and smile sadly. I turn and head towards the apartment. It was already past eight. I walk slowly and cautiously.

     I made it to the apartment and It was almost nine. I walk up the stairs. And walked up to the door, I grabbed the handle. It was unlocked. That's weird but oh well. I opened the door and walked in. Levi was sitting on the couch passed out with beer And whiskey bottles on the table.

     I walked to the bedroom and set my stuff down. Then walked to the living room. I started to clean up the bottles. After that I noticed Levi 's cheeks were tear stained.

    I picked him up and carried him to the bedroom. I tucked him in and he cuddled up in the blankets. I smiled lightly and walked out of the room. I sat on the couch and got lost in my thoughts. Then I fell asleep.

Levi 's POV

After Eren hung up the phone I lost it. I started drinking one bottle after another. I'm so scared I don't want to lose him too. I drank until everything became fuzzy and dizzy. I felt numb and it felt nice.

     I must have passed out on the couch. I heard the door open and someone walking around. They cleaned up my mess. Then picked me up and carried me to bed.

     They were warm and strong, I knew the smell. Eren. He laid me down and tucked me in. And he left. Walked out of the bedroom. I was swallowed by sleep.

Done with this chapter YAY.
But this chapter is also sad T-T

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