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Erens POV

After I woke up I looked around to see if my dad was around. Thankfully he left. I look at the clock "Shit" I'm going to be late for Mr. Ackerman's class. I hurry and try to get up. I wince in pain as I do. I hurry out of the house to school. I finally make it I walk into Mr. Ackerman's class."Why ya late Jeager?" Says Jean. "Shut up Horseface." I say taking my seat." Did a girl slap you because you couldn't give her what she wanted or was it too small." Jean says laughing. I stood up and turned around. And punched him in between the eyes. He fell backwards and held his nose. It was bleeding."Damn you Jeager." He said as he launched himself at me. I moved just at the right moment and he hit the floor. "Why you." He growled. "Eren Jaeger and Jean Kerstein principal's office NOW." Mr. Ackerman said.
    I ended up with detention for 2 days. I sat in Mr. Ackerman's class after school. He locked the door so I couldn't escape. I sighed and laid my head on my desk." Eren would you like to tell me why you were late this morning?" I looked up to see Mr. Ackerman standing in front of my desk."I overslept." I say looking down at paper I was doodling on. "Alright don't be late anymore or else you'll have to stay after school and make up the work." Mr. Ackerman said walking back to his desk."Yes Mr. Ackerman." I said looking outside. "Levi." He said."huh what?" I say looking at him. "Call me Levi when were alone." Levi said."Y-yes sir." I said not meeting his eyes.

    After I had gotten home I was beat again for being late. I walked to my room to clean my cuts. I head to the bathroom and play the playlist on my phone. I sit and listen to the lyrics for a little while. I hum along to the song. I pull out the blade and drag it across my skin. Blood slowly starts to roll down my wrist into the sink. I cut three more cuts then I clean them. I wince in pain as I pour peroxide on them. Then I grab the bandages and wrap them up. I lay down on my bed still listening to the music on my phone as I slowly drift off to sleep. I woke up early and snuck out of the house before Grisha woke up. I walked to school early so I went ahead and sat down at my desk. I laid my head down and started drifting off to sleep.

Levi 's POV

After I left the school Hanji and Erwin wanted to meet up near a café. It's quite cozy actually it has a warm and fuzzy feeling when you walk in. It's actually really laid back and peaceful. I see Hanji and Erwin so sit by them at the table. "HEY LEVI DID YOU HEAR I GOT A JOB AS A BIOLOGY TEACHER!" She squeals excitedly. "Shut up Shitty glasses. Your too loud." I say annoyed. "Your just mad because you're short." She said laughing. "What did you call me?" I say glaring at her. "You two quit being assholes to each other." Erwin says looking at them. "Shut it Eyebrows. You just sit there and do whatever you and Hanji do in your alone time." I say looking at them. "Wha-HEY that took it to far Levi." He said looking away.
"Well....I have to go I have papers to grade. See ya." I say packing my stuff and leaving. Its quite cool this evening. Luckily I brought my jacket. But something keeps bothering me. It was Eren he knew that he was lying but didn't want to push him.

   The next morning I get to school to see Eren sitting in the classroom with his head down. I walk in quietly and put my stuff down quietly. I notice he was asleep and he looked peaceful. His long eyelashes and his soft and fluffy hair. He started to shake and start to cry so I hurried up and woke him up. "Eren....Eren wake up......wake up." I say shaking him lightly. He bolts right up with tears in his eyes.

Some Scars Never Heal (EreRi) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now