Chapter 25

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Eren's POV

Levi made me pancakes and they were amazing. It was the weekend so after breakfast we cuddled on the couch. Yes my ass still hurt and so does my hips. But it was worth it.

     I almost forgot I graduate Monday. I can't wait I'll be out of high school. But right now I have other things on my mind. I still have to meet Him. I have to so I can save Mikasa.

      I've always taken Mikasa's place so she couldn't get hurt. I promised mom I would protect her. That's why when she turned 18 I told her to leave. She moved in with her now girlfriend Annie.

      It was already 12 and Levi and I decided to go to the park. When we got there I realized that it was the same one my mom had taken me to. Sadly I'll be here tonight as well.

     We walked around a bit and I took him to my secret hiding spot by the river. He enjoyed it. It was beautiful the river was clear. I loved being with Levi. He knows my secrets and loves me for who I am.

      We stayed at the secret spot for a few hours. It was now 5 and we decided to get dinner. We went to the café it was cheap and good. We walked in and took a seat in a booth.

       I ordered coffee and some fries. Levi ordered tea and a hamburger. We laughed at a few jokes. We stayed until 7 then we left. We walked home hand in hand.

      We reached Levi 's apartment and he unlocked the door. He laid his stuff down and so did I. We were both tired so we went to bed. While Levi was in the bathroom I laid my clothes out and set the alarm.

     It should take me about 15 minutes if I run. I set it for 9:30. I'm gonna get Mikasa back even if it's by force. I made a promise after all. Levi came out of the bathroom and I pretended to be already asleep.

   He crawled in the bed with me and put his arm around my waist. "Goodnight love" Levi said falling asleep. I smiled to myself I'm gonna miss him.

   My alarm went off I slipped out of Levi 's grasp. "Ngh...where you going Eren?" Levi asked sleepily. "Go back to sleep I'm going to get me some water." I said and he fell back asleep.

      I grabbed my keys and phone I also grabbed a kitchen knife and hid it. I walked to the spot to get Mikasa back. "EREN LEAVE DONT COME HERE!!!" Mikasa screamed. I started running towards her voice.

     I rounded the corner and saw her. She was bruised and had cut on her cheek. "Mikasa!" I yelled. I stopped and saw the figure who was there.

     "Grisha." I spat with venom. He turned towards me and smiled wickedly. I growled under my breath. He started walking towards me and I gripped the knife handle tighter.

     He stopped a few feet away from me. "Long time no see my dear Eren." He said sickly. He pulled out a knife and charged at me. Dodged it but dropped the knife. I cursed to myself.

   He pinned me to the ground I couldn't move. I heard Mikasa screaming my name. He brought the knife down nd cut me cheek. I growled and kicked him off me.
     He dropped the knife and I picked it up. I walked over to him. "This is for all those years!" I screamed stabbing him. He screamed. "And this is for hurting Mikasa!" I stabbed him again.

    I stabbed him over and over again. I had blood all over me it was disgusting. I quit stabbing him and walked over to Mikasa. I cut her loose she embraced me in a hug.

      I called the police they have been after Grisha for a long time. I told them where he was at and I hung up. "Hey kasa lets go home." I said and she nodded.

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