Part 15

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Adeline's pov:
I was getting a little worried, Grayson hasn't came back from checking on Ethan. I unclip my seat belt and let it slide off my shoulder, I open my door and limp my way to the entrance.

Once I made it to the door I bust through it to find Ethan leaned against a wall, Klaus to the left looking satisfied, and Grayson to the right looking.....wretched and disappointed. The door closed behind me making a click sound, they all turned there gaze to me. Grayson had tears threatening to burst in his eyes, I turned to look at Ethan he just had a smirk on his face, so did Klaus. I slowly lingered my way to Grayson making sure not to look over at Klaus. I take one last glance at Ethan but that same smirk was plastered on his face, what's going on with him? I had stopped walking once I reached Grayson, I looked into his eyes, his eyes filled with hurt. I'm so confused.
"Don't be confused Adeline. Lets go home, I'll explain everything there." Grayson whispered grabbing my arm.
"Wait what about Ethan we can't just leave him." I said trying to go to Ethan when Grayson stopped me, I turned to be faced with a worried Grayson.
"Adeline let's go now" he said emphasizing the word now. I just looked at him with uncertainty.
"Adeline?" I hear Ethan say. I smile and turned around looking at him smiling back at me.
"Ethan?" I say back.
He spreads out his arms meaning for me to go to him. I sigh and run to him, he catches me in his arms. My legs wrapped around his waist, arm wrapped around his neck, his hands snaked around my waist, his hand on the crown of my head, and his head in the crook of my neck. I sigh in relief.
"Ethan are you ok? I thought something happened to you I was worried." I ramble.
"You don't have to be scared princess, I'm here, the same old Ethan is right here." Ethan says, tho his voice sounds deeper. While I was thinking about this I feel a sudden release in my body and in a matter of seconds I was on the floor. I sit up, my head pounding, my cuts and wounds aching, I grab my head trying to relieve the pain but it's not working.
"Ethan? What the hell is your problem?" I say still holding my head looking up at Ethan.
"Oh I'm so sorry I just remembered something." He said grabbing his chin with his index finger. "I don't care about you or you." He continued pointing to me and Grayson.
"What do you mean? What going on?" I turn to Grayson. The same distraught look plastered on his face.
"Adeline I told you we need to go now." Grayson said attempting to grab me and take me out the door.
"No!" I refused. "I'm not leaving without an explanation, or without Ethan. What he fuck is going on?" I yelled furiously looking back and forth between Grayson, Ethan, and Klaus.
I suddenly hear laughter coming from the other side of the room, I turn around to be faced with Klaus. He was making his way over to me clapping his hands in the process. While he was coming up to me I backed up next to Grayson as he grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him.
"You see Adeline, Ethan over there is no longer the Ethan you know." He said pointing to Ethan. "This Ethan right here is the original Ethan, the fun Ethan, the careless Ethan, the Ethan that everybody loves." Klaus continued bringing Ethan next to him. "This is ripper Ethan." He said laughing after words gripping Ethan's shoulders shaking him a little. Ethan just stood there, arms crossed, with a smile on his face.
"What? I-I don't understand?" I said, I'm so confused right now. Who the hell is 'ripper Ethan'?
"Ripper Ethan is the careless, selfish, fun, original Ethan Grant Dolan. This Ethan kills how many people he wants, doesn't leave the scene unless it's a bloody massacre, he has no feelings whatsoever, not for you not for Grayson, only for himself. He will do anything to survive even if it means letting his loved ones go, he doesn't care about you anymore Adeline, he doesn't even care about Grayson. All he cares about is getting what he wants no matter what the cost. That is ripper Ethan." Klaus finishes. My mouth is open agape in horror, my vision getting blurry from the tears that are threatening to leave them, my hands shaking, my heart rate picking up from fear of the one person that means so much to me, but now all I feel for him is fear.
"No, no, no, no, Ethan no, you can't" I say running up to Ethan.
"Adeline!" Grayson shouted after me. When I was finally in front of Ethan i grabbed ahold of his face, cupping his cheeks attempting to make him look into my eyes. My eyes filled with worry and fear of the boy in front me.
"Ethan, Ethan look at me please." I said shaking his head lightly so that he'll look up at me. He did and all I could see was black, I didn't see those beautiful hazel green eyes that I would always look up to, that I would love to see everyday, the ones that I would always go to for anything. Right now all I saw was black, pure black.
"Ethan don't let him take over you, don't let him control you" he just stared at me. "Hey listen, don't let him tell you what to do, don't let him make your decisions, Ethan you don't have to listen to him."
"I have to Adeline I don't exactly have a choice."
"Yes you do-"
"No i don't." He interrupted me.
I let out a sigh. "Look Ethan, if you love me you'll leave with me and Grayson out these doors right now." He just stared. I let out another shaky breath, I looked down trying to stop the tears from flowing, still having ahold of his cheeks. My eyes find there way back to his, "I'm goona go with Grayson-" I said letting go of his cheeks. "And if you love me and Grayson, you'll come home with us right now." I said turning around slowly and walking to the door with Grayson.
When we made it outside I turned back in hopes that Ethan would be behind us but, he wasn't. I look to Grayson with sorrow filled in my eyes. I could tell he was disappointed as well. My lip started to quiver and my eyes started to fill up with more tears as they started flowing down my cheeks. Grayson released his hand from his pockets and made his way towards me, tears also flowing down his face. When we reached each other we hugged roughly, my arms around his torso, his around my shoulders, my head against his chest, his chin resting on top of my head, his hand holding my head in place squeezing my hair lightly once in a while due to frustration, I didn't mind tho, my hands started gripping onto his sweatshirt while my tears stained it. We were both hurt, we both felt betrayed, we both were let down. The worst feeling in the world is being hurt by someone you love. And that's what we were both feeling at the moment. Hurt.

Ethan's pov:
When Adeline told me to go home with her and Grayson I had this sudden feeling in my stomach telling me to listen to Adeline and go home, but this other one was telling me to stay and be ripper Ethan or 'the ripper'. I had this moment of confusion. When Adeline and Grayson weren't in sight, I hesitated on going home with them. I took one step when Klaus stopped me.
"Where do you think your going?" He said in his British accent.
"Umm no where, I wasn't going anywhere."
"Ok good because we have to get our move on, we don't have much time." Klaus said putting things into a duffle bag, weapons to be exact.
"What do you mean? We don't have much time for what?" I asked.
"We need to take care of some business." He simply said.
"What kind of business?" I asked.
"Let's just say we have to take care of some people, people that I hate with a passion, and some business I have in Orlando." He said proceeding to put things into the bag.
"But what about Adeline and Grayson?" I said pointing back to the window with my thumb still having my focus on Klaus.
"Ethan are you serious? You can't be doing that, me turning off your switch means you have no feelings for anyone whatsoever, why are you still caring for people? It's annoying the heck out of me." He says. I suddenly get that feeling again. "Stop, don't care about them just go with Klaus, do what you love deep down, kill people Ethan, live like the ripper, the person you were born to be. Don't worry about nobody's like Adeline and Grayson, they mean absolutely nothing to you, remember that." My self conscience tells me. I no longer feel anything for anyone.
"Ok, when do we start?" I simply say. Klaus smirks.
"I thought you'd never ask." He says snickering.

_________________________________________________________Hey guys! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter also what do you guys think about it? Do you guys like the story so far? Anyways I'll see you guys when I update. I love you!❤️
Please leave comments, it really motivates me more and tells me that you guys like this story and that I should continue with it((:
Word count: 1630

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