Part 1

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Adeline's pov:
I was walking to the school doors even though I didn't really want to enter the school. As I was walking I felt like if I was being... watched. I turned around to check if someone was there but no one was there so I turned around and kept walking. As soon as I enter the school I see my best friend Bri or Brianna.

"Omg Adeline I've missed you even tho we saw each other over summer break!" Bri yells running to me and giving me a tight hug.

"Hey Bri" I say laughing while we rock back and forth in a hug

"So how was your summer?" Bri asks while we pull away from the hug.

"It was good. We spent a week in Hawaii." I say.

"You're so lucky. We just spent a week in a cabin." Bri says not satisfied.

"What are you talking about? A cabin that- sounds fun." I say trying not to laugh.

"You want to laugh!" Bri yelled while laughing.

"No I don't." I said now laughing.

"I hate you." she said while punching me in the arm playfully.

We closed our lockers and turned around at the same time and saw 2 boys in the principles office. They were wearing all black everything black. Black jacket ,black jeans ,black boots,everything . But I can't really see there faces.

"Who are those guys?" I ask looking at Bri who had her eyes glued on them.

"I can't answer that question, but they're hot." Bri says still looking at them.

"Ok and how would you know that?" I ask amused.

"I don't, but they have hot backs so I'm assuming."

I start laughing and shove her away playfully and we both start laughing

Ethan's pov:

" who are those guys?" " I don't know but I bet you there hot" "ok and how would you know that" "I don't but they have hot back so I'm assuming"

Is all I heard behind me. I really want to turn around and check who was talking, but I don't want anyone to see us yet so I have to be patient.

"I need your transcripts and medical records ,your missing a few things." the office lady said.

Grayson, my twin brother, got closer to the lady until they were looking into each others eyes and started speaking.

"Look again I'm pretty sure everything you need is right there." He compelled her.

The lady turned back to her papers and looked back up at us.

"Well your right sorry for the confusion. Here is your schedule and locker numbers and a new student pass just in case you get lost. Ok good luck boys." The lady said as we took our things and left.

As we opened the doors to the office I look at a pair of lockers and I see her. I see the girl at the park standing right before me.

Adeline's pov:
I saw the new boys and I'm not goona lie they were hot. I decided to offer to help them around the school and find their locker, so Bri and I went up to them.

"Hi my name is Adeline, and this is my friend Brianna" I said pointing to Bri.

"But you can call me Bri" Bri interrupted.

"So do you guys need help?" I ask looking at them.

"Yes." they both said at the same time.

I thought that was cute since they're twins and all.

Grayson's pov:
Adeline thought we sounded cute. Ethan and I can read minds.

"Ok cool, Bri you can show umm-" she points at me.


"-Grayson around, and I'll show -" she points at Ethan.

"Oh I'm Ethan."

"-Ethan around." Adeline said.
She's adorable.

"Ok sounds good to me, come on Grayson." Bri said.

Ethan's pov:

"So did your family move or what's the situation?" Adeline asked while we were trying to find my locker.

"Oh um well my... my dad got a job here so we had to move." I said stuttering because I didn't want to tell her the truth.

"Oh ok, do you guys do this often?" Adeline says looking at me.
And I get take aback from those familiar dark brown eyes, but there was something different.
They didn't hold that frightened look like they did that night, now they were so much more happier.

"Um no this is our first time." I said nervously.

"Oh, you seem nervous." she says looking at me.

"Me umm no I'm just ...I'm not nervous." I said looking at her.

She started laughing and I just showed her a toothy smile. Now it's just an awkward silence between us.

"Hey do you want to get lunch after school?" She asked me.

I shot my head up surprised and I immediately said.

"Yea sure."
Oh My God why would you say that you can't go to lunch that's when you feed you dumb.
I huffed because I was nervous about after school. Why did I say yes I know better. Well I guess I have to figure out how not to get hungry. That's going to be a challenge.
________________________________________________________heyy guys so how did you like the first official chapter oh "Supernatural Love" I promise the next chapter is going to be way more interesting let me just tell you something Ethan may or may not want to loose control during the lunch date so stay tuned for the next chapter but anyways ILYSM Peace✌🏼❤️

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