Part 28

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Adeline's pov:

I woke up to the hard concrete floor. I felt an arm wrapped around me, I turn around to see Ethan still asleep and his arm around my waist.

I sigh and decide to stay in this position, I didn't want to wake Ethan up and I liked the way this feels. I feel comfortable, something I haven't felt in a long time.

As I was thinking I hear two voices in the distance, bickering.

"C'mon Grayson! Do you really think this is gonna help with getting her back? No it's not! if anything it's making her hate you even more than she already does!"

Who is that?
It sounds like a female voice.

"Well you know what maybe it is making her hate me more! But I swear to god I will make her love me wether she likes it or not!"

Are they talking about me?

"Look Grayson the poor girl is in love with Ethan not you! Ok? You need to understand that! She can't just change who she loves in a split second, just like that." The girl says snapping her fingers at her last words.

"Your pissing me off, really! I don't care if she 'loves' my brother! She WILL love me no matter what! I will make her love me if I have to!"

"You better not compel her Grayson! She looks like a nice girl you shouldn't even be doing this to her!"

"And why do you care huh?! You were the one who helped me with all this!"

"Yea because I didn't know you were gonna do all this fucked up shit!"

"What fucked up shit?!"

"The first day you try to rape her! The second you mock her! The third you make Ethan drink from her! Like are you serious! Do you not just think for one second how hard that was for your brother?! You made him drink his lovers blood! That is something that no vampire will ever dream of doing ever in their lives, and you just made your brother experience that! And now you want to take her away from him, c'mon Grayson. What the hell is that? Plus she's my doppelgänger, I haven't even got to meet her yet and your making me do all this shit to her and Ethan."

"Well get used to it because your not gonna meet her."

"Asshole." I hear her whisper and then hear high heels click on the concrete as, I'm guessing, she walked away.

I turn around to see Ethan still sound asleep. Poor E he's probably so tired from staying awake for 3 days.
I decided to try to go back to sleep, and after a while I did.



I hear.

"Psst hey."

"Mmmm" I say.


I sigh.

"Adeline." They whisper shout.

"Im up I'm up." I say.

I open my eyes to see a girl.
She looks just like me.

"Adeline listen to me carefully I don't have much time-"

"Who are you?"

"I'll explain later ok I promise, but right now just listen to me," I nod my head and she continues.
"Grayson is planning to compel you to love him instead of his brother. He's planning on doing it tonight while Ethan watches," I gasp. No.
"But that's why I'm here," she hands me a tube with a yellow substance that kind of looks like vinegar.
"This is vervain, it's a herb that's not so friendly to vampires, it can possibly kill us so be careful with it around Ethan.
Drink this when it starts getting dark ok? Not right now because it'll wear off by the time Grayson comes. If you drink this his ability to compel won't work on you, and when he does compel you, fake it. Pretend like if you are compelled so he can believe it. Got it?"

I nod my head.

"Ok good. I gotta go now." She says about to flash off.

"Wait," she stops and looks at me.
"Who are you? And why do you look like me?"

"I'm your doppelgänger," I nod my head confused.
"The name is Kate." She smiles and flashes off.

Kate. My doppelgänger.

________________________________________________________ Did you like it? Did you like it? Did you- did you- did you like it like it what ?!
No Alisha Marie fans here? Just me? Ok.
Haha but really did y'all like this chapter? I know it's pretty short but the next one will be pretty long, so I kind of wanted to get a little bit up today so you guys won't have to wait so long for the next one.
Soooo Kate is the name of Adeline's doppelgänger, and she's starting not to like Grayson's plans for Adeline. She decides to help out Adeline, what a nice doppelgänger right? Haha.
Please leave some comments and votes, I love reading your guys comments and feedback it makes me happy to know what you guys think about this book, and it motivates me to keep writing these chapters for you guys. Until next time I update PEACE✌🏻️❤️

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