Part 34

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Ethan's pov:

I sat on the coffee table in front of Adeline who was laying down on the couch.

I can't believe when she wakes up, she's gonna be one of us. It's insane to think about. She'll have to complete her transition by drinking human blood. That's gonna kill her, she's not going to want to drink from a human. She's gonna have too. She's gonna feel guilty. She's gonna hate her life.

I sigh and put my face in my hands.

"Hey man." I hear Grayson say.

I bring my head up from my hands and see him standing with a mug.

I wave softly while giving him a weak smile.

"I got you some coffee, thought you might want some."

"Thanks." I say, my voice raspy.

He sets the coffee down behind us and takes a seat next to me on the table.

He sighs as he stares at Adeline.

"It's really gonna happen huh?" Grayson speaks up.

"Yea," I say looking at her playing with my fingers nervously.
"Yea I guess it is." I finish bringing my head down to look at my fingers.

"She'll be fine e." Grayson says rubbing my back.

"Yea but, what if she's not?" I say looking up at him.

"What if she doesn't want to complete the transition. You know how she is, she would never think about drinking another human beings blood. It'll kill her mentally and physically.
God why did I have to bring her into this mess. That day I saw her at the park  with that guy I should've just stopped him, compelled her to forget and never try to make her a part of my life. I should've stayed away from her and not watched her every move from that day forward even if it killed me inside. I should've thought about what would happen to her if I introduced her to our life style. Now, I got my answer." I sigh and shake my head.
"This is all my fault-"

"Don't say that." Grayson cuts me off.

"Why? It's true gray! If I wouldn't have brought her into my life, if I didn't tell her about us, If I wouldn't have tried to make her a part of my life, if I wouldn't have tried so hard to make her mine, if I didn't fall in love with her, maybe all this wouldn't be happening. Maybe her life would've been perfect right now.
She would've been the same perfect girl. Straight A's, she would've made more friends if it wasn't for me, she probably would've been president of some club cause of how intelligent she is, she told me she wanted to try out for the cheer team, she could've been a cheerleader gray! She could've had the life she wanted, the life she imagined of ever since she was a little girl. All that has been thrown away, and it's all because of me being the selfish person that I am and wanting her for myself. It is my fault."

Grayson sighs.

"Ethan- you know Adeline loves you, right?"

"I guess." I say still looking down.

"What do you mean 'I guess'? She does Ethan," I stay with my head down.
"Ok look I'm gonna confess something because maybe it'll help. I've loved Adeline for a while now," he says making me look at him shocked.
"It's hard to say but it's true man. All those times that I've told you to go for her even though you would get in trouble, I loved her. But I told you to do it because I wanted you to be happy. I didn't wanna be selfish. But this one time, that you actually got her I got so infuriated. I got so mad. I guess I got jealous and, that's when I went back to my old ways. Then the whole Klaus thing happened and now we're here."

"You loved her?"

He nods his head.

"Oh my god Grayson," I say putting my face in my hands.
"Why didn't you tell me? I wouldn't have gotten with her if you would've told me!"

"No no Ethan it's fine. I promise it's ok. I haven't seen you this happy with someone in like what 130 years?" He says making us chuckle.
"Come on man really. I just care for your happiness, and she seems to be really happy with you too. That's all that matters in my book." He says placing his hand on my shoulder,  squeezing it lightly.

I sigh and give him a hug.

"Thanks man." I say patting his back.

"No problem bro." He says returning my gesture.

We both look at Adeline and sigh.

"You know when she comes back she's gonna see all those times that we've compelled her right?" I ask.

"Oh my gosh, I totally forgot about that." Grayson says.

"God I was such a douche for compelling her to love me." He continues.

"She's gonna remember when I stopped that guy and I compelled her to forget about me." I add on.

"She's gonna remember everything." I finish.

"Wow were so old, we forgot how this whole thing works." Grayson said making us laugh softly.

"I still feel like I'm ruining her life Grayson."

"Your not e."

"Gray, she wanted kids, she wanted a family, she wanted to be a photographer, model, actress, she wanted to be involved in the Hollywood realm, she wanted to move out to LA, she wanted people to know her name. How is she gonna do that when she's a blood sucker. Vampires can't reproduce, she's not gonna be able to have a family. It hurts me knowing she won't be able to live the life that she's wanted." I explain.

"Adeline is a strong girl Ethan. She'll figure out a way to achieve her dreams. We'll help her. We owe it to her after all."

I nod agreeing with him.

"I'm gonna go fetch some blood for Adeline so when she wakes up she won't be hungry."

"It has to be an actual human gray." I remind him.

"I know that." He says putting his hands up like he's surrendering.

I stifle out a laugh and shake my head while Grayson exits the house. Leaving Adeline and I alone.

I sigh.

"I am so sorry Adeline. For all of this, maybe if I didn't introduce you to my world you would've still be the same normal girl I met on the first day of school. Maybe you would've been able to have your family and your spot in the Hollywood realm. I'm just really sorry addy. I hope you can forgive me for all of this." I confess to her lifeless body.

I kiss her forehead and slowly get up walking away.
I hear something coming from behind me. I make a weird face and turn around.
I walk towards the noise and it leads to Adeline's body. I look at it and see the tan color coming back to her body, she is no longer pale and ghostly. Her hair turning back to its dark brown/black color. Her body looking full and not so boney. Her nails regaining that healthy look and not being purple. Her lips gaining back that reddish pink color, regaining back those beautiful lips that I love. Her eyebrows her eyelashes getting darker.
Her chest.
Her chest starts going up and down, up and down slowly.
You can hear her faint breathe.

I get closer to her trying to figure out if this is really happening right now.

Suddenly her eyes shoot open and she gasps loudly making me stumble back.

The first thing she says in that moment.


________________________________________________________ AAAAAAND SHES AWAKE MA FWENDS!!! ahhhh Adeline's awake she's gained all her strengths back. But most importantly she's Immortal she's a vampire!!! I've been waiting to write this moment since I first started this book!!!! And it's finally here and I'm so excited. Did you guys like it? Let me know in the comments below. Speaking of please comment it motivates me to keep writing these chapter for you guys. Anyways until next time I update PEACE!!✌🏻️❤️

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