Part 17

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Adeline's pov:
Sunday. I woke up not feeling as superior as most days, today I woke up feeling pure anguish. I didn't even want to get up to go to the Dolan's household, because I know if I do I'm just goona break down again.
Stay strong. Keep your head up. Don't show that you feel defeated. Show that you can power through this. Because you can Adeline.
I tell myself as I take a deep breathe and let it out. I pull myself out of bed and I get ready to go to the Dolan's house. I took a quick shower,brushed my teeth washed my face and moisturized. Then for makeup I just put concealer, filled in my brows, did my mascara, and put on chapstick. As for my outfit I just wore  high waisted shorts, a black shirt, a red flannel tied around my waist, and my black converse. I wasn't really feeling like trying today. And for my hair I left it in its natural curly/wavy state.

 And for my hair I left it in its natural curly/wavy state

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(Remember her eyes are dark brown)

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(Remember her eyes are dark brown)

(Remember her eyes are dark brown)

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I was out the door.

While I was walking I felt so eerie, like if someone was following me. I started to walk faster and tried not to think about it too much, but I just couldn't help the feeling, every time I would try to forget about it that sensation would always come back to me. The Dolan's house was so close yet so far, I want to look back but I'm scared of what will happen if I do. Once I got myself together I finally got the strength to turn around and when I did I saw so many people, wearing all black, surrounding me from everywhere. They wouldn't do anything to me they would just...gawk at me. At this point my level of containment couldn't hold itself together anymore, so I started running to the Dolan's house as fast as I possibly could. I turned back around and saw that they were all walking to me slowly, this made me run faster. I was so scared for my life I didn't even think about anything. Once I made it to the front door I was pounding on it with my fist.
"GRAY!" I yelled while pounding on the door.
"GRAYSON PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR!" I yelled while still pounding on the door. I turned around to check if any of them have caught up to me, they were so close.
"GRAYS-" I was yelling out got cut off by Grayson opening the door. He was wearing grey sweatpants, no shirt, messy hair, and white socks.
"Hey hey it's ok" he said while pulling me into a hug. My head was on his chest, his chin was laid on top of my head, while his arms were wrapped around my shoulders, and mine were wrapped around his torso. I was crying onto his bare chest.
"What happened?" Grayson asked. I pulled away from his chest still holding onto his torso and he was still holding onto my shoulders.
"I was walking over here so we can make a plan to get Ethan back like you told me and bri to do, but when I was walking I felt this feeling of uncertainty like if someone was following me, and when I turned around there was so many people surrounding me wearing all black, and they were just staring at me so I started running and they started walking towards me. And then you opened the door and I just-" tears started coming out of my eyes.
"Shhh shhh it's ok Adeline your here now safe with me." Grayson said pulling us back into the hug.
"Here let's close the door." Grayson said as we pulled away. He went to close the door but before he did he looked outside to see them. Then he closed the door and locked it, he came to me and put his arm around my shoulder and walked me to his room.
"Do you want water?" He asked me.
"No it's fine." I said staring at his sheets
"Coffee?" He asked. I looked up at him with a smile which he returned.
"Yes please." I said with a smile plastered on my face. Grayson laughed.
"Stay here I'll get it for you." He said while going down the stairs leaving me in his bedroom. I've never actually seen his bedroom. I stood up and started admiring all of the little knickknacks that he has, and the way his floor is wooden, he has a fireplace and right above that a huge flat screen tv, his bed is in the middle, his sheets are a brown color, his pillows consist of white and brows colors,he also has a white rug next to his bed, and his nightstand is wooden, he has a lamp on it and a notebook, then lastly he has a desk, a wooden one 'wow what a surprise' I thought to myself and laughed. He has notebooks, pens, sharpies, erasers, a IMac in the center, he has little neatly folded up pieces of paper inside his drawer. I was debating whether or not to read them but I didn't that would be invading his privacy. That's when Grayson came back up with two mugs of coffee. I smiled at him and took my mug.
"Thank you Grayson." I said while I took a sip. Wow this is really good.
"Wow this is really good." I said. He chuckled.
"Haha thank you." He said while he sat down on his desk chair and I sat down on his bed.
"Do you write?" I ask him while pointing to all the notebooks.
"Um yea I do but I'm not that good." He says while looking at his desk.
"Can I read one?" I asked.
"Huh?" He asked.
"Can I read one of the papers that you wrote in?" I explained.
"Oh um yea I don't think that's a good idea, I'm not that good." He said scratching the back of his head nervously.
"Come on gray I'm sure your amazing at it." I say. He looks at me as I put my hands in a praying motion, he sighs and opens the drawer where he keeps all his papers. He picked the first one up, which I'm guessing is the most recent one, and handed it to me while he sat down next to me. I smiled and opened the neatly folded piece of paper. I started to read it.

She's so beautiful. I don't even think she knows how beautiful she is, and that makes me ever more attracted to her. When I'm sad she can show up and make my day 10 times better, she can flip my world upside down just by one smile. God her smile, it's so precious. Her smile could cure all sicknesses in this world. She's so pure and innocent yet, she's been through so much. She always has a smile on her face even when she might not be having the best day, she always keeps that smile plastered on her pretty little face. You don't know how much she's been through until she tells you, and when she does you won't believe that a person like herself has been through that much but, she sure has. She makes sure that the people around her are happy and if their not she will give them a reason to smile. She puts others before herself, she's so caring and genuine. It's truly beautiful. Her body. She may not like it but I think she's perfect. She thinks she has belly fat. I thinks it's perfect. She thinks her legs are too skinny. I think there perfect. She thinks her breasts are to small. I think there perfect. She thinks her nose is big. I think it's perfect. She thinks her lips are small. I think there the most perfect lips in this world. She puts herself down sometimes but, she doesn't know how perfect she is in my eyes. She's beautiful.

I look up from the paper to Grayson. I'm shocked by his choice of words and by his writing.
"Grayson this is amazing." I say looking at him. He smiled and looked down.
"It's alright." He says.
"Alright? Grayson this is one of the best papers I've ever read. You have a talent." I say as I hand him back the paper. As he's folding it I get the need to ask this question. He stands up and opens the drawer.
"Grayson?" I ask. He puts the paper back and closes the drawer then looks up at me.
"Who did you write this about?" I ask.
"Umm no one, why-why would you think I wrote it about someone?" He said nervously.
"Grayson this has to be about someone, the way you described her, come one it's about a certain girl." I say.

Grayson's pov:
"Grayson this had to be about someone, the way you described her, come one it's about a certain girl." She asked.
You. It's about you Adeline.
"No it's not the words just came to my head one day and I decided to write them down." I explained a complete lie.
"Ok if that's what you say." She says while getting off my bed.
"Are you done with that?" I ask referring to the coffee.
"Umm yea I am."
"Here let me take it." I say getting up from the desk chair.
"Thanks." She says as she sits back down.

I put the mugs into the dirty dishes and i put my hands on both sides of the sink, while I sigh. How can she not know it's her? It's her it's always been her. Ever since that day we first met in the woods, it's been her all along. It always has been, it always will be her.

Ethan's pov:
"NO NO PLEASE I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT I SWEAR!" The guy yelled for mercy as Klaus tied him up.
"Shut up your so exasperating it's giving me a headache." Klaus says in his British accent. I just stare at the guy. Klaus turns to me.
"Ethan would you do the honors?" He asks me. I smirk at him.
"It would be my pleasure." I say as my veins start to pop out from under my eyes and my fangs come out. I flash in front of the guy and just stood there staring at him. I leveled myself down to him because he was currently on his knees. He looks at me in fear then at Klaus then back at me.
"Please don't do this you don't have to please I have a wife and kids that are waiting for me to get home please please don't do th-" I cut him off by grabbing his head and tilting it to the side, then I sank my fangs into his neck and sucked all the blood out of his system. I would shake my head left to right trying to make it more painful for the guy. I kept on going as he was screaming for mercy but I didn't care. A couple of seconds later I felt his body go limp and hardly any blood leaving his body. I let go of him and let his body fall on the ground. I stood up looking at the light above us then cracking my neck as I smiled. My eyes went back to normal and my fangs were gone. I licked my lips removing any excess blood that was left over. Klaus walks over to me smiling.
"Good job once again Ethan." Klaus says patting my shoulders. I just stare at the guy while wiping my mouth. Dang I forgot how fun this was.

________________________________________________________Heyy GUYS! So what did you think about that letter Grayson wrote about Adeline? I wrote that myself so please don't copy it and if you do please give me credit for it, i would appreciate that. And Ethan still has no control over himself whatsoever.
Please comment and vote it really motivates me to keep writing for you guys. I love you all!❤️
Word count: 2036

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