Part 20

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Ethan's pov:
Klaus texted me and told me to meet him at this location, so that's what I did. I opened my car door and made my way inside once i was in i put the key in the ignition and made my way over there.

When I got to the location it looked like  a forest, everywhere you would turn all you would see is trees and more trees. I decided to start walking into the forest and try to find Klaus.
"Klaus!" I yelled
"Hello Ethan" I heard Klaus say from behind me causing me to turn around to see a smirking Klaus.
"Hey, what did you want me for?" I asked.
"Well Ethan lately I have seen that you haven't been controlling your humanity, and by that I mean you've been letting your humanity switch go on and off, on and off. You can't just keep it off like I asked you to that night at the warehouse can you?" Klaus said walking around me in a circle with his hands behind his back.
"So Ethan they're gonna teach you a lesson." Klaus said walking off.
"They're?" I asked confused. Then I felt someone tap my shoulder making me turn around and right as I did I got a punch straight to the jaw causing me to stumble back. I touched my mouth and saw all the blood on my finger then I looked up only for another punch to be thrown. They grabbed me by my shirt and through me to the ground kicking, punching, and slapping me.

Adeline's pov:
I was in the Dolan's household waiting for Grayson and bri to get Klaus so we can start the plan.
I got a text from bri saying they got him, while I was reading her message I heard the front door open and close then someone flash upstairs, I got up carefully making my way upstairs.

When I got upstairs I saw Ethan but his back was facing me, he was holding onto his dresser looking down. I was scared to even touch him, he didn't look like if he wanted to talk to anyone right now. But I decided to do it anyway.
"Eth?" I said grabbing ahold of his shoulder but he yanked it away from my grip.
"Leave Adeline." He said bluntly. I stepped back thinking then I went forward again.
"Ethan talk to me please." I said.
"No Adeline there's nothing to talk about." He said never looking up.
"Just go." He said. I stood there looking at him, what is he hiding? Why isn't he looking up at me? That's when I walked up to him getting a good grip on his shoulders finally turning him so he was facing me. I looked up due to our height differences and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Ethan's face covered in blood, bruises, his lip busted, his temple bleeding, his eye puffed up and bruised, his knuckles bruised. My eyes got watery, who would do this to him.
"Ethan," I breathed out walking closer to him.
"Who did this to you?" I asked. I was looking up at him but he refused to look back down at me, he was just looking off to the side. I went on my tippy toes and cupped his face making him look at me in the eyes. Both of our eyes trying to find each other's.
"Ethan please tell me who did this to you," I begged while a tear fell from my eye going down my cheek. He looked to the side closing his eyes shut tightly. I moved his face back to be facing mine, his eyes still shut tightly causing wrinkles to form in the corner of his eyes. He opened his mouth then shut it tightly making his lips form into a line. He wants to tell me, I know he does but he's having trouble getting it out.
"Ethan." I said shaking his head lightly making him finally open his eyes to meet mine.
"Please" I begged. He let out a sigh then began talking.
"Klaus." He said, his voice raspy and tired.
Grayson's pov:
Bri and I were waiting for Klaus to get back so we can start making him weak which will let Adeline get Ethan's humanity switch back on.

Adeline's pov:
"He had two of his men beat me up because I keep letting my switch turn on and off," he said looking at me, I nodded my head signaling for him to continue. He looked down playing with his fingers.
" and I just.." he paused looking up at me.
"I just can't control that when I'm around you." He said. Both of us looking into each other's eyes, he sighed looking away then laughing lightly. I looked at him confused.

Grayson's pov:
We saw him coming so we hid around the corner. When he got close enough I flashed up to him stabbing his heart with an wooden steak making him groan.

Adeline's pov:
"That's the thing," he said getting out of my grip walking around the room.
"I can't keep my humanity switch off when I'm around you, your- your like a drug to me Adeline. You don't know how hard it is to stay away from you, when I first saw you I honestly didn't think you would be this important to me. Adeline I'm scared as hell to want you because I know the consequences we both will get but here I am, wanting you anyway. When I say I want you, I mean I want to cuddle with you and feel your heartbeat and hear your laughter, stare at your smile, breathe your scent and know I'm yours and your mine," he said standing a couple of feet in front of me.

Grayson's pov:
"You really think a wooden steak will kill me? Your so silly." He said. Klaus tried to grab my neck but then bri started the spell.
"Fesmatos crivo Fesmatos allo Fesmatos crivo Fesmatos ello" she kept on repeating these words making Klaus weak. He groaned from the pain.

Adeline's pov:
"- ughhh god I hate you, I hate the way you make me feel, the way you make me believe that we'll actually be together without getting killed, the way that you make me feel these things that I've never felt before when I look at you, the way your voice gives me butterflies, the way you make me believe that's there a chance that we'll grow together without having any consequences from Klaus," he paused coming closer.
"But most of all, I hate the fact that I don't hate you, not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all. I could never hate you Adeline, I just hate the fact that we actually believe that we could have a normal future. I hate that I don't even know what the fuck I'm feeling anymore." He says looking down closing his eyes again. I stay there looking at him, his emotions are heightened.
"You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel Ethan. You can't control what you feel-"
"Klaus can" he cuts me off opening his eyes and crossing his arms. I sigh.
"That's because you let him, you let him control you, you let him mess around with you, you let him do stuff like this," I said pointing to his bruised face.
"You can't let yourself Ethan, not anymore." I say walking out.
"No-" Ethan says making me stop right at his door.
"Please Adeline, don't leave me." He pleads. I turn around. And start walking to him slowly.
"Ethan my love for you is endless, you are the one I want. You fill my heart with happiness, you make me feel alive. I look into your eyes and-" I stop in front of him and look up into his eyes.
"- I see what we will be. I'm content with being with you forever," I say as he looks at me with wide eyes.
"Happily." I finish. We stay there looking into each other's eyes, he sighs then grabs my face in his hands, bends down and also pulls me up a bit making our lips meet into a sweet passionate kiss. I grab ahold of his wrists as we kiss, he pulls away slowly looking down at me then at my lips then back at me. I smile pushing myself up making our lips meet again, they start moving in sync. Each peck, each lip tug, each time our tongues fight for dominance, each moment of this passionate kiss is...perfection. We pull away slowly this time permanently looking at each other smiling but, Ethan's smile turns into a worried look.
"What's wrong?" I ask as he touches his heart.
"My switch is on, Adeline my humanity switch is on." He says giving me a toothy smile.
"Really!" I say excitedly.
"Yes!" He says in return, we both smile and laugh. He bends down grabbing ahold of the back of my thighs picking me up and twirling me around while I wrap my arms around his neck nuzzling my head in the crook of his neck smiling.
"It worked." I said.
"What worked?" He asked stoping but still holding me.
"Grayson, bri, and I made a plan to get your humanity switch back on," I say as he looks into my eyes.
"- and it worked." I say smiling. He smiles and pecks my lips.
"Thank you." He says then rests his head on my chest.
"Adeline?" He says picking his head up. I hum in response.
"Can I ask you something?" He says.
"Yea of course." I say paying attention.
"Well I've wanted to ask you this for along time now," he says looking down.
"Ever since we've met I've known that we're special, that the way we talk and laugh around each other is different than everybody else. That I will never meet anyone I can trust as much as I trust you. And I think most people search their whole lives to find what we've already found. I choose you. And I will always choose you over and over. Without pause. Without a doubt. In a heartbeat. And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you." He says
"Adeline, will you be my girlfriend?" He asks looking into my eyes and I do the same. I lean in to kiss him.
"Yes." I whisper as we pull away. We look at each other and laugh as Ethan spins us around.

Grayson's pov:
Well there goes my chances.

________________________________________________________Hey guys!! Ethan's switch is back on and #Ethaline is official. What did you guys think about this chapter? Let me know. Bye guys, till the next time I update(:
Word count: 1839

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