Part 19

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Ethan's pov:
I couldn't do it. I couldn't handle talking to her, I couldn't handle holding her, I couldn't handle looking at Adeline. I just want to grab her and kiss her and make her mine but, Klaus made it clear that Adeline and I can't happen. Wait, why am I thinking about Adeline like this? I'm not supposed to Klaus turned off my humanity didn't he? What's happening?
As i was thinking I got this sudden pain in my head, I closed my eyes then I heard Klaus' voice.
"Don't let her bring your humanity back Ethan. Fight it back don't let her turn your humanity switch back on."
When his voice faded away so did the pain and i opened my eyes again.
I heard the sound of heels clicking against the concrete and I knew she was coming to talk to me.

"Ethan?" I hear her say from behind me. I turn around with my arms crossed now facing her, she has tears streaming down her face. She started walking towards me with her arms out.
"Ethan please listen to me you-"  she got cut off by me backing away from her. She sighed and put her hands down.
"Ethan please this isn't you just come home please, so we can fix all this once and for all-"
"No! Don't you get it Adeline?! I CANT  come home I WONT be able to come home until Klaus wants me to come home, this isn't as easy as it seems Adeline!" I say with my voice raised.
"Ethan please-" she says walking closer as I back away.
"Please just come home, I miss you."
"I'm sorry I just can't do that" I say as I start to walk away.
"WHY!" She yells causing me to stop in my steps.
"Why are you doing this?" She said.
"Doing what?" I ask still having my back to her.
"Letting Klaus control you like some dog. This isn't you and you know it Ethan-" she says but I cut her off by turning around and talking.
"Ethan-" she says as she regains her balance and walks to me cupping my face while I still look off to the side.
"Where is the person that Grayson knows, that Bri knows, that I know." She says still cupping my face. I finally look at her with no emotion.
"That person must've left with all my faith-" I say. Her face expression changes from hope to despair.
"And he's never coming back." I finish as I remove her hands from my cheeks letting them fall back in place as I walk away.

I make it back to the house, Klaus thought it would be best for me to stay at home and go to school so people won't get suspicious. As I enter I flash up to my room slamming the door, gripping onto my hair, groaning in frustration. I'm so confused. Klaus tells me to not let Adeline turn my humanity back on but it's so hard when the girl I love is right in front of me crying her eyes out because of me.
"UGHHHH" I yell as I go to my night stand and drop everything on it, then doing the same with my desk. I feel so embittered i just- I just want to cry and cry and cry. I go to my dresser then hold onto the sides of it gripping it due to my frustration. I look up at myself in the mirror as I see my veins pop out of my eyes.

(Omg this goes perfectly with this part Stefan has a tux like Ethan and everything

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(Omg this goes perfectly with this part Stefan has a tux like Ethan and everything. Ok ok back to the story haha)

"NO ONE HATES ME MORE THAN MYSELF!" I yell as I punch the mirror causing my knuckles to bleed and glass to fall all over the ground. I start breathing heavily as I start falling to the ground slowly, bawling my eyes out. As I'm falling I feel arms wrap around me, I was expecting Adeline but it was Grayson. He quickly flashes us to the edge of my bed and sits us both down there as he still hugs me. I hug him back as I cry onto his shoulder.
"What the hell is wrong with me?" I ask sniffling.
"Nothings wrong with you Ethan, it's just that Klaus has you messed up." He says trying to comfort me. I pull away looking at him with tears covering my cheeks and still some still continue to come out of my eyes.
"Why do these things happen to me? Why did he choose me? Why couldn't he choose some other vampire?" I ask.
"I don't know Ethan, but hey we're gonna get you back. I promise." He says looking into my eyes while rubbing my shoulder.
"Please hurry." I say as my voice cracks. I turn to see Adeline leaning on the door frame, I smile at her beauty and she smiles back at me. I furrow my eyebrows as I feel something.
"GAHHHHHHHHH" I yell as my eyes close, my eyebrows crease, my hands squeeze the sides of my head, and my mouth turns into an o shape from the pain. I hear Klaus' voice again.
Don't do It Ethan i swear if you do it i will make your consequences even worse. I will turn your humanity back on then kill the girl in front of your face and make you believe that you were the one who killed her. Don't do it.
My eyebrows return back to normal, my mouth goes back to normal from the o shape, and my eyes open.
Ugh what are they doing here.
"What the hell are you doing in my room." I say rudely causing Grayson to be taken aback and Adeline's smile to fade.
"What? Get out!" I raise my voice. Grayson stands up slowly walking out. I stand up to close the door only to see Adeline still leaning on the door frame.
"What are you doing? I said get out."
"What the hell was that?"
"What was what?" I ask genuinely confused.
"You were so sentimental and sad a little while ago and all of a sudden your back to being that asshole that Klaus turned you into."
" I don't know what your talking about-" I say as she looks at me with a annoyed look.
"Get out." I say shooing her as I close the door.

Adeline's pov:
I walk down the stairs and go to the kitchen with Grayson. I see him with his elbows propped on the counter and his hands rest on his face, his back facing me. I walk up to him hugging his torso from behind. He stands up straight, turns around and hugs my shoulders resting his chin on the top of my head due to our height differences.
"I think I know a way to get him back." Grayson says as he releases from our hug.
"What is it?" I ask giving him my full attention.
"Ok so-" he stops and looks around the room then he goes to the sink and turns on the faucet letting it run so Ethan won't hear us.
"- Even tho Ethan is home doesn't mean Klaus can't still control him. He still can he just gets into his mind and reminds him."
"So wait, why does Ethan do that? One minute he's sentimental then the next he's an asshole." I ask.
"Well sometimes when your around the people you truly love your humanity switch will slowly be turning back on little by little. But Klaus prevents that when he gets into Ethan's mind and reminds him. That process causes Ethan pain that's why he yelled." Grayson explained.
"Oh ok so what's your plan?" I ask curios.
" Ok so basically witches have the power to make vampires weak for a certain amount of time-"
"Bri?" I cut him off.
"Yes bri. She can make Vampires weak, even the original vampire, Klaus. So my plan is to get Ethan around someone he loves which will be you, then me and bri will be where Klaus is. Bri will use her magic to make him weak and ill be there to make sure he doesn't break the magic and hurts bri. As Klaus is weak you can talk to Ethan and slowly get him to turn his humanity back on." Grayson finishes explaining.
"That's a good plan. We need to call bri." I say. I take out my phone as I walk outside with Grayson following behind me.

________________________________________________________Heyy GUYS! I UPDATED and this chapter was an emotional one for Ethan. Poor eth. Seems like Grayson and Adeline have a plan to maybe save Ethan. And also yes those are some of the lyrics to the songs paralyzed, it's a good song and I thought that the lyrics really went with Ethan's situation so I decided to incorporate them in the story. Anyways it would be appreciated if you guys can comment what you think about the book so far. It really motivates me to keep updating.
Word count: 1589 words

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