Part 22

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Ethan's pov:
Adeline and I were cuddling on the couch watching a movie, although I wouldn't really say watching, more like just staring into the T.V.

"E?" Adeline asked.

"Yea" I respond.

"Where do you think Grayson went?" She says looking up at me.
"I mean it's been a while since he left," She continues while looking back at the clock then turning her gaze back to me.
"And he wasn't really acting like himself." She finishes looking into my eyes with worry.

I know she cares for my brother, a lot. When I had my humanity off he was the only one that was there for her, well bri was also there but she had her own witch things to worry about. He comforted her and cared for her, I would understand why she would be worried.

Grayson, I know he has a thing for Adeline I'm not soft in the head. Anyone with a brain and eyes will know that Grayson has feelings for her, it doesn't take a genius to see that. I just don't want him to ruin what me and Adeline have. I know the reason that he changed was because he didn't get the girl, that's always his solution to everything, to turn back into the badass Grayson.

"I honestly have no clue Adeline." I respond. She sighs and rests her head back on my chest, I rest my head on top of hers and run my hand up and down her arm as I sigh as well.

Adeline's pov:


I open my eyes and see that me and Ethan are still cuddled up on the couch and the tv is still on. I hear a door close and someone flash upstairs I stand up slowly making sure not to wake up Ethan. Once I'm out of Ethan's grip I grab the remote and put up the volume a little bit so Ethan won't hear anything. I make my way upstairs and stop in front of Grayson's door, I sigh and raise my fist up to knock but before I could the door swung open. In front of me stands Grayson, I still had my fist raised, my mouth slightly opened, and my eyes slightly more opened from me being freighted at Grayson's actions.

"What do you want?" Grayson says harshly.

"Um I just- um- I just wanted to-" I kept on stuttering on my words.

"If you don't have anything to say then don't bother speaking to me." He says barbarously while walking out of his room.

"Gray!" I yell causing him to stop in his steps and turn around with an annoyed look on his face.
"Why the hell are you being so rude," he laughs.
"No, no I'm serious Grayson what the hell is your problem, This isn't you." I say starting at him furiously.

"This is absolutely me, a monster, a predator it's who I am Adeline." He says.

"Grayson you and I both know that this isn't you." I respond back.

"How would you know! huh? The only reason that you think this isn't me is because you've only seen the good in me, the real me, the bad me, is who I really am and if you think any differently then your an idiot." He says pacing back and forth.

"I know this isn't you Grayson." I repeat.

"Why would you risk it? Why would you come here? When you know that I'm not in a good state of mind right now." He says sharply.

"Because I want to know what triggered you to become like this-"

"Nothing triggered me! And don't get close to me." He cuts me off.

"Grayson please, I can help you, I believe in you." I say getting closer.

"STOP!" He yells grabbing my shoulders and pushes me against the wall roughly. "STOP!" He continues while smacking the wall behind us.

I stare at him in shock while breathing heavily. His eyes stare into mine and they get soft.

"Adeline I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He apologizes. I just stare at him, I'm about to respond when Grayson gets yanked away from me. I look over to see Ethan on top of Grayson punching him.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on Adeline like that ever again, do you hear me! DO YOU HEAR ME!" He yelled. Grayson groaned then grabbed Ethan's head and lifted his head making their forehead's collide. Ethan groaned and Grayson used this time to kick Ethan off of him and flash away. I run up to Ethan and help him up.

"Are you ok?" I ask repeatedly as I take us to the restroom.

"Yea, yea I'm fine." He says while I rest him on the sink. I get the first aid kit and start cleaning up the cut he had on his forehead and his lip. He hisses.

"I'm sorry, did that hurt?" I ask.

"No it's fine I can handle it addy." He says. I smile.

"So your gonna start with the nicknames now huh?" I say as I rest my hands on his knees and look at him. He smiles at me.

"Come here." He says.
I walk closer to him being in between his legs, he cups my cheeks and presses his soft lips onto mine. We pull away and smile as Ethan hugs me.

Grayson's pov:

"Hey." I say into the phone.

"Hey so do you want to go on with the plan." She says into the phone.

"Yea, let's do this."

___________________________________________________________ Heyy guys, so we still don't know who she is. Did you guys like this chapter? Also let me know who you guys think she is. Please leave me some comments about what you think, it really motivates me to make more of the chapters for you guys! I love you guys sm, Peace❤️✌🏼️
Word count: 978 words.

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