Chapter Twenty One: Kris departure

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"Imagine, believe, and remember. Three words that keep everyone confused. Did you imagine it? Or did you believe it? Or maybe, you just remember it?".


▪Chapter Twenty One: Kris departure

I tried to look at the person, and I never thought that it was him.

Third's POV

Everything was silence, quiet as if nothing happened. But every gazes gave a strong meaning, each came in varies. Yoona was standing next to Tao, hugging him tightly because she knew Tao was emotionally unstable about Kris sudden decision. Yoona frowned, just this morning they were smiling happily around each other and now, they were in a verge of tears and some were already crying.

Kris was nowhere to be found, after explaining to Yoona, he headed out again in search of Chanyeol. Yoona was leaved sad, but amused. Because little did she knew those stepbrothers were like brothers, real brothers. She shook her head, this wasn't time to think about that. Yoona knew Tao had a trauma, and by hugging him, she believed will cure half of his beating heart. "Shh... It's okay Tao..." Yoona whispered under her breath. Tao didn't reply because at any thought right now, he could only burst into tears.

He hated people who leave.

Yoona signaled Luhan to ask him to take care of Tao so she can leave the place. Luhan understood as he approached Yoona and quickly took care of Tao.

Yoona mouthed a thanks before she headed toward her bedroom in a very devastating mood. Neither that she managed to form a smile or a frown, she felt helpless. And everything just feel overwhelming.

Her bed that usually made her sleep in just few seconds wasn't working. She cannot sleep and worst, she hadn't eaten yet since lunch. Now it was midnight but her eyes was still unable to close to sleep.

She remembered him.

Yoona's POV

My mind drafted toward the memories of this afternoon where the familiar hand rubbed against the surface of my hair, bringing back a lot of memories. When I looked at the person, the person disappeared. I tried to see who was near to me that can be concluded as the 'him'.

All I see was Kai, Sehun and Baekhyun standing with each other. I just stared in confusion as I ignored the thumping heart of mine.

Maybe I was delusional.

I quickly shook my head but the other memories of Kris crawled into the mind. Again, as I remembered his smile, a glimpse of tears slipped into the corner of my cheek. Unlike Kris himself, I was a weakling. He didn't cried for his departure and here I wasted a galleon tears for him. Maybe he wasn't the type of guy who was to show his feeling outside.

With such thought, I ended up crying myself to sleep while mumbling enough to feel like a kid, "Kris...".


Third's POV

A loud thud could be heard as the door was slammed against the door, followed by a loud cries of a man. He fell on his feet after the door of his bed room was closed.

"Hey, did my dad said something again?" Another man who was sitting on his bed asked.

"I hate you..." The man sobbed in a way that his voice barely out of his throat.

"I'm sorry Chanyeol. My dad is traumatized by your mom departure. He is not in his best state right now. He is addicted to alcohol and now he even left his business in China to gamble. We are going to bankruptcy Chanyeol and he's stressed," The man said sincerely, caressing his younger brother hair.

Chanyeol looked at his stepbrother, pulling on his best smile and replied, "I'm sorry, Kris hyung,". Kris gaped away when he heard his phone ringing.

As soon as the conversation started, Chanyeol regretted listening...


"Oh yeah, this is Kris Wu."

"Okay, I'll be there in 10th Oct."

"I need to get permission from them first..."

"Okay thanks".

Chanyeol heard the conversation that was in the telephone. His tears was already dried and was replaced by a curious look. Kris sighed,

"I had to go to China...".

And that was when Chanyeol started to change his facial expression as he sprinted outside with a sad look.

Kris still remembered it clearly. As if it was nightmare, his brother disappointment  look made his heart guilty. He tried to ignore it by doing anything else rather than remembering that look. But anything he do, his mind will always ended there.

Today was his last day. He had to go to China not of his but others. He tried to explain the same thing to Chanyeol but who were Chanyeol if not between his laid a stubbornness?

He did the packing last night, when his face was full of bruises he got from Chanyeol. Kris sighed, this morning he had to cover those bruises with layer of foundation. It killed him the fact that he never liked it.

Kris stepped outside his room after checking his passport and everything he needed for his departure. As he opened a notebook of his, a piece of picture fell down. He quickly bend over to pick it up as a smiled formed between the corner of his lips.

"You are still pretty, princess," Kris mumbled as he put the picture back and continued heading to the taxi.

Yoona's POV

I woke up late, stressed and was emotionally unstable.

Kris had gone to China two hours ago. And I was still sleeping like a stupid being. I tried to assume that I wasn't able to awake because no one wake me up. Now I will never see him, maybe, forever.

As a weakling I am, I cried once again on the bed hugging my pillow followed by amount of laughter I released as a mock to my stupidity.

"This is why you lost everyone!" I cried but a knock stop me. The person entered the room and I was really shocked.


He walked toward me and hugged me tightly, "I'm sorry gongju. But I will never leave you when this might be the last day of us seeing each other.". I silently sobbed while my hand circled around his arm, hugging him back. "Anyeong Yi fan..." I muttered and started to release a full amount of tears. But he started to disappear and I knew,

It was just a dream.

And I did missed his flight.

Third's POV

A person was watching Yoona from another part. He was smiling creepily as if planning something unexpected.

He then spoke, "rzx fnncaxd lx adknudc," and continued laughing madly without the others knew.
[To Be Continued]

Author's note:

Now it's longer than the last chapter. I put a coded word in this chapter, if you want to make a guess, go on. I love you guys 💗

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