Chapter Nine 2/2: Enchanted

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Before everyone could say anything, the guy knelt before her. He smiled sweetly, "Welcome, princess,". Yoona stared at him and was certainly knew who he was.

"Hello, prince," She answered. Everyone stood in awe, witnessing a famous cliché scene going on before them.

The scene from the past had replayed itself, just before their guesses. She was still a child back then, and so was him. Their meeting was cliché but their moment wasn't. Meeting by bumping was always cliché, and everyone agree with it.

Yoona observed his face closely to the point they were breathing the same pace. She smiled, seeing that he had removed his glasses he would usually wore when they were child. Yoona had always admired this guy, as a friend of course. He was tall when they were young which made him the school's nerdy prince.

Him being the prince. And Yoona being the princess.

But he was even taller when they grew up. Yoona tiptoed to closely match their height, only to whisper one thing into his ear. "Yifan," She whispered his name. He gave Yoona a look that only he gave to someone he care. With a smile, he pulled out his hand from his pocket and grabbed Yoona hand, making they looked like handshaking each other. "Kris. Yifan is my nerd name," He also went closely to Yoona by bending his head as he whispered quietly into her right ear.

"Wu Kris?" Yoona furrowed her eyebrow, feeling really unfamiliar with the name. Kris, as he wanted to be referred as, lifted Yoona from the bench she was sitting on. Everyone that happened to see, was about to think they were acting. But in reality, they never act. They both just, looked like a story.



Her soothing voice when singing were making everyone in the room gasped in amazement. The crowds scattered everywhere, watching a five years old girl singing her voice out while tapping the piano keys. The small girl smiled before her eyes started to wander around.

Her eyes stopped searching when a person came into her sight, her mom. They were metres apart from each other but they can see each other clearly. She gave her mom a smile which she got it back in return.

The song ended as she tapped the last key of the piano. She walked out of her seat only to had her body bumped into a boy. The boy bowed before her even could. "Mianhabnida," He apologised before disappearing into the crowd. The girl stood there confused. She was the one who bumped into him, but he was the one who apologised.

The girl stared on the ground, still confused. She twitched her eyebrow in a deep thought until she saw a note laying on the ground. She bend over her body, picking up the note before the wind brushed it away.

"I'm Wu Yifan,".

The girl looked up to see the same guy she had bumped earlier. "Y-Yoona," She replied and smile crept between her lips.

"You still remember that right. We were piano mates," Kris flashed a bright smile while he held Yoona closely. Looking at him, Yoona posted a confused expression, "We are?". Kris frown became visible. He knelt down, letting Yoona from his grip.

He slowly walked away, leaving Yoona behind. He frowned became wider as he walked steps away. "Are you angry?" Yoona asked, following him from behind. "What do you think I am?" He scowled, didnt stopped even just for a breath of oxygen.

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