Special Chapter: LuYoonMin

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[A/N: If Yoona, Sehun and Baekhyun are close to each other then Yoona, Xiumin and Luhan are also sharing the same 'close' word together. These chapter are my gift to the readers. Enjoy (imagine Yoona is 19 years old and imagined that her high school include college :)]

"I am fearless except when losing you,"

The way fear means is having something to be afraid of. Fearless is the opposite. No, none normal people are born fearless, they're either fear over the fears itself of pretending to be fearless. I can't called myself fearless because I tend to scream over simple things. You can't called yourself fearless because we live in the world of imprefection. As they say, we all have limitations and we all make mistakes.

Mistakes are proof that we are trying. And it doesn't mean we cannot be brave.

5 Years Ago, Middle School

"Oppa, what do you afraid most?".

Every time he recalled the question, his mind would go everywhere. Like that question is not meant to be answered. He, also known as Luhan wasn't really great at lying or pretending but he knew he was good at some things.

As far as he knew, everyone in his group of friends had experienced the same situation. They fell in the same trap, the same person with only result to one survivor.

Luhan stood at the corner of the huge library, fixing his spectacle before proceeding to read the book he was holding from a science-fiction section. No one was around at all especially when light was about to turn dark.

'The universe was actually..........'

Silences was the quite common things occurred in the library. Luhan eyes scanned through the book about universe. No, he wasn't a nerd, he often say to himself. He just one of the people who like knowledges. That was why he unintentionally always somehow ranked in the top ten as first or either second.

He was focused in his reading to realise his surrounding which had changed because of the presence of his two friends, Yoona and Xiumin. They both were aware that Luhan didn't like being bothered when he was reading but they wouldn't care much. They like to do anything he didn't like people to do. In fact, every normal people like to do anything they were tell not to.

Yoona and Xiumin tried to regain their stability after being stumbled over the library tables. They nearly screamed their lungs out when they hit the table. Made of wood, probably a reason it hurt. Yoona sent signal to Xiumin as they started to exchange signals until a meter was the only distance to overcome between them and Luhan.

Seeing Luhan eyes wandering all around the book made Yoona felt funny inside. She didn't want to laugh yet, that was why she was trying not to get closer or look at Luhan. Xiumin was indeed filling his cheek with air resembling the look of a puffy fish so he wouldn't burst out laughing.

Luhan hadn't sense them, they both thought. Well, they were right! Luhan wasn't even suspicious a bit where the sources of the loud thud created when Yoona and Xiumin hit the table. He even gained more focused to be exact.

Yoona sent Xiumin a signal to go first, she swayed her hand foward a little bit while pointing toward Luhan before pointing back toward Xiumin. A nod was given to Yoona as a hint of understanding. Xiumin was trying to hold his breath. Of couse he would, rather than casually walked around and being caught he would want to surprise Luhan without being caught.

Yoona counted one to three when Xiumin was looking at her. Xiumin nodded after understanding the signal. He chuckled quietly before harshly poked Luhan arms after Yoona had counted until three. Luhan eyes widened to unnatural eyes, thousand times bigger if it possible. Luhan's heart was about to popped out from his ribcage after receiving such treatment.

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