Chapter Twenty Three: Closer

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"You should smile more often,".


▪Chapter Twenty Three: Closer

Third's POV

Yoona looked at Baekhyun for explanation and what Baekhyun said leaved her dumbfounded...

"Chanyeol suffered from mental illness," he paused as he looked around to avoid any eye contact.

"It happened that he suffered it after her mother married his step dad and divorced with his real dad. No one know he was suffering this until he was introduced to his step brother, Kris. He hate Kris, at first. Kris knew his condition and took care after Chanyeol, making sure he ate his medicines and Chanyeol grew fond of Kris's brotherly attitude. He recovered from his mental illness but..." Baekhyun sighed, feeling unsure.

"But what?" Yoona asked. Baekhyun took a deep breath, "After Kris leave, his mental illness reappear... But he never been this violent before. There must be something that turn him though I still cannot figure as much,".

They heard a snore coming from somehow close. Then Yoona tilted her face to the source and found Chanyeol in a deep sleep as Suho and Kai held him tight. Yoona caressed Chanyeol's hair,

"Whatever make him like this, it's must be hard for him..." Yoona muttered.

Baekhyun stared at her in silence. It was such a view, where he saw Yoona caressing Chanyeol's like a child. Baekhyun smiled.

Maybe she'll need to know the truth before everything get complicated...

From a distance was echoing footsteps coming closer. There were the rest of the people. One of them was Xiumin, in a navy shirt with a shorts as he ran toward the whole chaos that happened before.

"What happened? I heard such screams  from here," He commented with slight panic as well as concern plastered on his face. "Chanyeol's sickness reappear," Baekhyun mentioned calmly as Kai and Suho started to nod to politely agree.

Yoona stood up, without talking and decided to go to her room to calm herself from what happened. Because it was too quick for her brain to accept everything in. But a hand quickly grabbed her arm and petted her shoulder.

She tilted her head and saw Sehun, with his worried face. "Are you okay?" Questioned Sehun in a worried tone. Sehun quickly dragged Yoona away from the rest before she went to her room.

They were in the hallway of Suho's mention. Sehun brushed his nape, "I know what happen to Chanyeol... You need to talk with me noona. You deserve to know...".

Yoona plastered a question look on her face.

"It's regarding your family," Sehun paused. He breathed in amount of air and then calm himself from the tension.

"It is about the car accident."

People were jogging on the park, some with their dog on their side, or either sitting on the picnic mat on the surface of the ground. And there was Yoona, sitting on a bench with Sehun in the middle of the park surrounded with silence and emptiness.

Yoona lowered her gaze to the ground. She kept thinking of the reason why she was sitting on the bench with Sehun; to hear the truth. It has been the third time she sighed, still, unable to break the icy silence.

"..." Sehun seemed to talk, inaudible to any ear. But Yoona seemed to hear as she tilted her head to face Sehun. Yoona looked at Sehun's face, even for awhile she examined his face and admired of how white his skin is.

"They never told you this..." He began, gulping his saliva as he collected the courage to speak out loud, unclear of who the 'they' was referring to. Though Yoona just shrugged it and continue listening to Sehun.

"Your parent accident... was... because of one of us," He kept going.

The weather was humid, considering this was time around spring. Yoona rubbed her hand against each and smiled, amused.

"I know," She spoke resulting to a surprised reaction from Sehun. Sehun averted his gaze away somewhere, focusing on a fixed point of the trees on the park. "Y-You knew?" He stammered.

Yoona smile widened.

"I do."

"I don't know who..." as the smile disappeared from her face. Sehun stood up from the bench they were sitting. He grabbed Yoona's hand and then smiled. "Noona, I'll take you on a date. You'll need something to get off your mind before I tell you."

"But today I'll call you Yoona, in a banmal way," He smirked. Yoona stared at him, feeling silly watching Sehun acting like a kid.

In the end, she just nodded like usual. She scanned Sehun who had changed his expression from playful to a smile. "Then, let's go Yoona!" He bubbly yelled like a kid. Yoona chuckled as she followed Sehun lead to somewhere he only know.

In front of them was a huge building, often called as mall. Sehun stopped walking as he rooted on the ground with Yoona beside him. He scanned into few of the shops inside and quickly turned to Yoona,

"Got your eye on something?".

Yoona shook her head before she saw a shoes in front of the display of a shop. Her eyes were twinkling when she saw how the shoes were perfectly made for feet.

Sehun noticed Yoona sparkling eyes, as he quickly grabbed her hand to enter the shop he knew she had her eye on. He was sure Yoona will love it.

But then he remembered, what if the truth change her again?

[To Be Continued]

Author's note:

Hey guys! After months not updating this book, I finally had a chance XD I hope you enjoy this new update! Gotta make it interesting, who do you think the person Sehun will say? Himself? Someone else? Oh, and more importantly, don't forget to vote and wait for the next chapter to be updated!

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