Chapter Eight: Remember

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"The heart remembers.."


Summary from chapter seven:

After knowing Yoona's answer, Baekhyun stopped by a park in a disappointment. While Yoona, went inside her house after that and was again surprised by a letter for her university entrance.

Without remembering what happen next Yoona fell asleep until she woke up and found a guy sleeping on the coach in her room. And suddenly, he was there to escort her to the university by first, preparation.


▪Chapter Eight: Remember

She would think saying a yes will at least make her childhood friend go away, but no. She had known him for at least years at her childhood day before they were seperated. Their memories shared together as a childhood friend was a hard thing for her to remember, not when she had 12 childhood friends altogether.

She could barely remembered this guy she recently called, Jongin. Maybe because, she was too busy recalling every bit of ongoing series of her story.

At his point of view, Yoona seemed odd. Like the others been talking about. She was giving different aura than she did in the past. Jongin wasn't a kind who bother to care for others behaviour but this one lil' girl kept appearing everytime his mind shoo her presence away.

"Hey Yoon, wassup!" He tried to cheer the mood around him but Yoona did nothing but to stare at him blankly, as if blankly. It cause her startled when a hand suddenly waving in front of her face.

"J-Jongin?" She tried to sound fine but rather surprised.

"You know, you can call me Kai. It's more cool that way," Kai smirked and suddenly pulled Yoona to the bathroom. "Take your time in the shower miss. I'll be waiting downstair. Don't forget to wear the dress I put on your bed," with a wink, he leaved Yoona frozen at the very exact moment.

"What was that?" unaware of her loud mumbling, Yoona went to the shower quietly. At the door, Kai was standing a step ahead of it with a cheeky smile as he got a hold of his dog. "I'm still there, right?".


"How can a flower smells this nice and looked this pretty?" A thin smile was formed on her lip. On her hand was a dandelion flower she got from her mom's graden. In his perspective, the girl was naturally a beauty. Her hairs was about a height of her shoulder, the bang she got in front of her face was even brought more beauty than she already is.

"Duh, you are even pretty!" The guy exclaimed while slowly went to her direction. "J-Jongin!?" The girl was startled when she saw her childhood friend obviously grinning. "I'm literally gonna miss you Yoon!" Jongin laughed followed by Yoona chuckling.

It was their last day at elementary school. Neither do Yoona realised that until Jongin started to mention it. "Yah, why do you have to go to America?" It was saddening her knowing the truth that Jongin will be moving to America after this. Her frowned was visible, at least to Jongin.

"Ha-ha, don't worry buds, we will meet again," He tried to cheer the atmosphere just not to make Yoona saddened. He smiled softly and suddenly took the dandelion away from Yoona's hand. Surprised Yoona was ready to take it back when all of a sudden Jongin ran fastly before her. "Catch me if you can," He winked and being chased after that.

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