Chapter Thirteen: Music in our heart

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"Sometimes, it take just one song to bring thousand of memories, ".


▪Chapter Thirteen: Music in our heart

Third's POV

"Are you okay?".

Yoona opened her eyes wide realising that she had been sleeping on the couch. "Su- Jongdae!". "Noona, anyeonghaseyo," The latter bowed as he heard his name only to flash his camel smile the next second he bowed after. He then moved toward Yoona and sheepishly grinned, "I'm in charge to bring you outside today. You had no class today noona?". Yoona was amazed at how casual the guy was talking but nodded anyway.

Yoona had never remembered how he met this guy but all she had knew was how she had never had any opportunity to talk normally with him during her childhood. Because then, he said talking isn't fun when you got several pranks you could pull as a talk. "So, you up for some rides in amusement park?" He recommended fast enough before Yoona went back to close her eyes for her to catch her beauty sleep.

"Or we could go sing in karaoke bar if you prefer,". Yoona smiled while remembering the thought of her singing. She was pretty sure she was no compare of her singing skills to this guy. Because when Jongdae sing, he created his own world record of voice range. "Amusement park please because I'm not sure I can afford singing with talent when I'm pretty sure I had no talent in singing," Yoona replied trying to sound rather convincing. "You know what?". Yoona hummed in response. "We could just go singing to see your hidden talent," He continued with a grin plastered on his face as he successfully pleaded Yoona to go for karaoke instead.

"Wait, I haven't showered yet," Yoona blurted while shyly averting her gaze away. "Don't need to. You don't smell so bad noona," Chen teasingly smiled.

"And I just changed my real name into my stage name, it's Chen. You can call me that, noona," Chen smiled before carrying Yoona in a bridal style toward the door going outside. Yoona was tired, or at least she tried to convince herself she was. Hardly, she had decided for herself to became heartless.

While she was carried like a bride, her mind was occupied elsewhere. Too much thoughts, she would said but preferred to say nothing. Her mind were wandered at the thought of something. Something she would wanted to know about her parents death. She would have to stop thinking about her parents already, since they had got their own fate and justice already, but Yoona could never stopped thinking of her parents, and that was her weakness. One question remain inside her brain, who was the one who crashed into her parents car? She never knew, or so she thought.

"Noona, are you listening what I have been saying? I'm talking yet you were occupied into something else. Penny for your thought?" Chen spoke of the silence air that had been going around them. Yoona faked a smile, obviously knowing that Chen would hardly fall for the fake smile she shown. "I'm not thinking of anything worth to hear Chen. Honestly, I just didn't listened what you said just now," Yoona replied slowly. Chen frowned, Yoona could see, he was also concerned at the older girl. "Tell me anything if you don't mind," He stated while slowly wiping off the frown from his face

"And what I had been saying, I just said that if you want to go to a tea or coffee shop after this, tell me," Chen paused awhile. "And maybe if you would like, we could go walk along the road together after this because I honestly see no life in you," Chen continued in his suggestions. Yoona weakly smiled before answering, "I'd like the idea of walking along the road than going to the tea or coffee shop,". "So walk it is," Chen reckoned as he continued pacing in the same speed.

Yoona was sure they were at the karaoke bar nearby already when she felt Chen stopped walking. Now that she was sure Chen was about to go inside, Yoona try to leap from her position but failed miserably when Chen tightened his grip. "Don't go anywhere, " Chen whispered softly though sometime it scare Yoona off and she was at that sometime. They went in the bar and Yoona was slowly released from her position. Yoona stood straight as she tried to absorb what Chen said to her outside the bar.

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