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C H A P T E R O N E -

"Wahh Give me!!" Janna wailed in envy as she tried to steal my box of chocolates that I had laid freely on the table. I shook my head and flicked her hand away when she almost grasp it with her sneaky hands.

"Janna," I glanced at her sternly. "This is for him not for you."

"Tch. You're so selfish, it's Valentines Day so we should all share," she pointed at me. "--and you should share your chocolates to the people who are single and hopeless!"

"Geez, let Tom buy you one," I rolled my eyes.

Janna glanced at Tom, her eyes turning into one of those pleading, pathetic puppy eyes. Sometimes I wonder why they aren't together yet, they seem very compatible.

"No," Tom answered nonchalantly.

I chuckled. "Well that escalated quickly."

My eyes turned to Jackie as she entered the cafeteria with chocolates up her sleeve. They were abundant that she had a hard time walking towards our table, she even wobbled and tried to held intact the chocolates that she clutch on her chest.

Janna, being herself, stood up and helped Jackie with the chocolates. I knew that Janna wasn't doing it for mere kindness. I knew that sly so well that I waited for her mouth to open.

Jackie sat down beside me and let out an exhausted sigh. Janna followed. "So since I helped you, would you mind if I have some?"

I laughed. See? Janna only helps someone if she needs something from them. To other people that may seem rude, plastic or she's a user but we are grown accustomed to her attitude.

"Sure. I might get a toothache if I ate all of that," Jackie smiled.

It wasn't a shocker that Jackie receives a lot of chocolates every Valentines Day. Eversince middle school, she had alot of admirers and it has soared high the moment we entered high school. I took a glimspe at Janna, her eyes ready to devour and her mouth wide open.

Janna really has a sweet tooth. She loves chocolates and candies. Janna must've caught me staring at her for awhile because her gaze shifted and gave me her all knowing smirk. "What? Want one?"

I nodded. I was about to grab one when she swept all the choclates to her side then proceeded to stuck out her tongue. "Bleh. Let Marco buy you one," she mimicked what I said.

"I heard my name," a voice crept.

I glanced at Marco, he also had some chocolates received. He sat across the table and looked at Janna. "What did you say anyway?"

Janna shifted her gaze from me then to Marco and grinned mischievously. "Oh nothing. Poor Star, she hasn't received any chocolates."

I snickered. "Look who's talking."

I grabbed my chocolate, placed it in front of Marco and waited for his response. I admit I'm embarrased. It took a lot of courage to bring myself to give it to him. He might think it's a friendly gesture but the only difference is that I have feelings for him.

"Oh, for me?" he responded bewildered.

I nodded furiously. My cheeks were swarming colour pink. "Thanks, but I'll just give it Janna."

When I heard those words my world shattered. I stared at him flabergast and baffled. It wasn't just some cheap chocolate, my father brought it from Korea and he just gives it to Janna? I whipped my head to Janna, widened my eyes at her not to accept it.

"Thanks," Janna neglected my warning and ripped the choclate open.

"JANNNNA!" I screeched.

And that is why I'll never be more than that to him.

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