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C H A P T E R  T W E N T Y -

2 chapters left!🎉

I had somehow managed to close the door behind me. I stood in a daze, my cheeks flustered red whilst I grasp my lips that had been taken by his.

This is too much to be a dream. I don't know if I could cry, be frustrated or happy. I immediately ran upstairs, slamming the door behind me as I dropped down with my heart pacing like boiling water.

He said he likes me.

I clutch to my chest and tried to find any mistake in this. Then I remembered him. Then there's Tom.

Who do I choose to love? Tom or Marco?

Marco was the guy I fell for. He's gentle, sweet and charming. But he loves Jackie yet he somehow likes me. Then there's Tom, he was always quiet but he stood by my side when I needed him.

He went as far to support my feelings for Marco even if he liked me, and even with his stoic expression, he's gentle deep inside.

. . .

I knew that if I woke up early, I would bump into Marco and I couldn't face him right now. I'm not ready. I don't know if I should be happy or pretend like everything's normal.

So I went late and lowered my head as I ushered down to the classroom. I hesitated in opening the knob when a hand reaches it for me. I turn around and pause. "Tom."

He looks down at me and nods, then twist open the door. I timidly clutch on the straps of my bag as I walk to my seat without looking up or making contact.

I take a seat and place my bag on the floor. "Good morning, Star," he initiates and shivers ran up my spine.

I chose  to look by the window and just give him a thumbs up. "Y-yo."

"Is something wrong?" his voice was laced with concern and it made me more anxious that he would come close and make me look his way.

"N-no!" I say in shrill tone.

When he didn't say anything, my heart calmed down and I let out a deep breath. It's like I've held my breath eversince I took a seat. I mean we just kissed yesterday. I can't just pretend like that wasn't nothing!

Please give me day to sink everything, Marco.

. . .

It was lunch time and instead of coming along with everyone, I chose to run away and escape to the back of the school building. I didn't want to be bombarded with Janna's loud mouth nor make the situation with me and Marco more awkward than it is now.

"It sure is nice," my muscles calmed down once I arrived and took a seat by the grassy fields. Sometimes it's nice to just stare and think of nothing.

The sound of trees swaying, the feel of my leaves tickling my skin, the cold gush of wind that  caresses my skin and the comfort of silence just made everything perfect.

I hear footsteps come close. I stiffened and prayed that it wasn't Marco. Then the person sat beside me and I look up, baffled. "Tom."

"What are you doing here?" I ask whilst I stare at my fingers and play with them as knots turn to form inside my stomach.

"I wanted to speak with you," he mutters. Then a cold harsh wind comes by and I chatter my teeth. Even though I was wearing a coat, it still felt cold.

My heart raised in anticipation. My hands became cold as I try to tuck my hair away since it gets carried with the wind. "Can I hug you?"

I blinked in surprise. I looked at him in confusion. "Are you cold?"

He shakes his head. Instead of answering me, he opens his arms wide, wanting me to come close and embrace him.

I turn red. I mean he wants to hug me, and h-he likes me. I reluctantly scoot closer. My heart was pounding so loudly he could probably hear it and I was afraid I would get a heart attack.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer that there was no space left within us. My head rested on his chest and I could hear the fast racing on his heart as well as his erratic breathing.

I didn't know that Tom could be like this. He runs his hand around my hair, brushing it softly as he held me tightly and wouldn't let me go.

In his arms I felt comfort and safe. It's fuzzy and makes my heart do back flips. I wrapped my arms behind him and hugged him back. He rests his head on my shoulder as he parts his lips open and it tickles my skin. "Star."

I couldn't mutter anything. I was entranced by the pounding of his chest and his warmth. "I'll try to love Janna."

I stiffened. What does he mean? "So forget everything I said."

"Why?" I mutter, feeling dreary all of a sudden as my chest feels like it's burning and my stomach feels uneasy I'm going to puke.

"Marco likes you," he answered, his hot breath hitch my skin. "--I need to let you go."

But I don't want to let you go. I wanted to say it to him but I was too afraid, unsure and knowing that I was selfish. I only held him tighter, hoping that he wouldn't let go. "So be happy with Marco."

I know. This is what I wanted all along. But I feel so sad, so dreary and lonely inside. I don't want to let go of Tom.

Just imagining him being with someone else.. pinches my chest. I'm being selfish, wanting him when Marco, the person I've been trying to love me back, is finally liking me.

I don't want to let go of. I don't want to see him smile to another girl, see him with such gentle and warmth in his eyes to someone that isn't me. I don't want him to be affectionate like this.

Like how we are. I don't want have a heart to heart talk with someone else. I just want Tom for me.

"You'll do fine, Star," he reassures me but I wasn't.

"What if I fell for you, Tom?" I say warily, my heart defeaning me and my lips were quivering, trying to gain as much courage as possible.

"W-what if I start to like you more and more," I croak. "--more than I ever did with Marco?"

He only pats my hair softly then mutters. "You belong with Marco. You're just misguided with your feelings."

I couldn't say anything else. I'm unsure with my feelings. I don't know if I like Marco or I like them both. Or if I like Tom more than I did for Marco.

So I couldn't just be selfish and want him only for myself. I had to remind myself that I couldn't be selfish and that Tom supported me all this time.

I couldn't  just make everything go to waste, knowing that Tom put aside everything for me. I had to let him go, this I can repay his kindness.

April 21,2020

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