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C H A P T E R  E I G H T E E N  -

4 chapters left! 🎉 #Team Tom or Marco?

"Good morning, Marco," I chirp in delight once I see Marco come by as I was heading towards school. He sees me and grins, immediately walking beside me.

"You woke up early, today," he points out to me and I grin, scratching my nape. "Well it's the first day of December. I wanted to atleast welcome it with wide arms."

"But it sure is getting cold," I added, clutching on my warm fuzzy coat.

"I hope it'll snow soon," he says as he looks up into the sky with an undeniable look in his face. I stare at him for a while and remember everything that happened.

It's been months since Marco last confessed to Jackie and my heart was crushed in those moments. I clench on my fists, my heart raising as I feel  the fast pacing of my heart. Do I still like Marco?

I've always been dodging it. I thought that it was better leaving it at it. That I'd move on and my feelings for Marco will just gradually fade away.

But I'm not even sure if I still like Marco. Then there's Tom, kissing me by surprise and saying without haste that he likes me. To say that Tom, the silent guy would come to like me.

All of this is making me confuse and a suddenly churn in my stomach makes me feel uneasy. I must've not realized it since I felt Marco's hand grasp my shoulder.

I flinch and I was reminded of the reality. I stare up ahead and realized that the traffic lights were signalling a red. "Sorry. I-I just had a thought."

"You should be careful," he lightly reprimand me, then his hand went up my head and patted it like a dog. "--what if you suddenly went off when the cars were moving?"

"Sorry," I say for the second time, then we both walked across the street whilst I looked at Marco's crossed face.

While we were walking by the boardwalk, I tugged on the hem of his winter coat. "Marco."

He stops and turns to look at me. "What is it?"

I hesitate, wondering if I should even ask him. But I let curiosity get to me and I let out a deep breath. "Was the movie with Jackie, alright?"

His expressions change, then it shifts into a dreary one. His eyes glistening in sadness as his train of thought was somewhere else. I bit my lip and regretted ever asking him. "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked."

"It's okay," he shows me a faint smile. "--it actually went alright. But she still seemed distant to me."

"But I took it as my sign to give up," I part open my lips and wanting to say something, but seeing as he was trying to pretend everything was fine, I chose to shut it.

"I've been thinking about it well and hard," he speaks up and I perk my ears to listen. "--would you like to go on a date with me, Star?"

I stiffened. My eyes looked at him for answers, for a slight ray of hope that he was messing with me. But he looked so sincere, so driven that I couldn't possible take this lightly.

I clenched on the straps of my bag. I should be happy right? Marco, the one I've liked for so long has asked me for a date.

After all this time, he finally noticed me. I could cry tears of joy, yet I couldn't. I can't drive this weird sensation inside me but I knew that I still liked Marco, so this is a chance right?

"W-why me?" I say timidly, feeling everything inside turn rushed up.

I waited for an answer but he only pats my head and that didn't reassure me.

"Okay," I gave in. "--I would love to go on a date with you."

. . .

We arrived by the classroom and the fuzzy feeling inside me hasn't faded away. The first thing I looked for was Tom. I saw him in the same spot as usual and thought to myself. I wonder how he will react.

Should I tell him? But he likes me, I shouldn't be insensitive!

My cheeks turn crimson red, just imagining, if he..knows and would..detest it.

. . .

"You're going on a date with, Marco?" Tom says with no hesitation or break off character. He looked the same as usual, calm and well-spoken without any emotion apparent.

I immediately turn red and nudge him. "W-where did you hear that?!"

"Janna," he briefly mutters and I curse under my breath. That pig!

I timidly mutter, fiddling with my fingers as I looked down, not bothering to look at him in the eyes. "I should be happy. I mean, Marco asked me on a date."

"But for some reason, I feel average," I continued, knowing that he's just going to say nothing and listen.

It's weird. How I'm talking about my crush to a person who likes me. But this is normal to me. I feel alright and at peace with it.

"I know this is my chance to win Marco's heart," I blabber and plucked a leaf without care. "--but I feel off. It's just bothering me."

"Should I just decline his offer?" I look up to Tom for answers but he shakes his head. "Try."

"Yeah, try. But what if it's going the way I wanted it to be?" I say in a soft mumble, my heart in a jumble. "--it's scary and too surreal for me. And if it goes wrong, then he and me might drift away."

"If he asked you for a date, he must be interested in you," he speaks in a full sentence, too long that it takes me by surprise.

I chuckle. "Wait. I'm sorry, it's just that hearing you speak long words without stopping is all new to me."

"But you're right," I agree. "--he won't ask me out of a date out of friendly gesture. But I also...don't want it," I say softly the last word.

I looked deep into Tom's eyes and try to figure out what he really feels deep inside or how he's really thinking.

I sigh. I'll never know anything.

April 20,2020

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