Friendzoned|Alternate Ending

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C H A P T E R  T W E N T Y - O N E
(A L T E R N A T E  E  N D I N G)

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|Disclaimer : This is an alternate ending, which means that this is another ending for the book if you won't like the true ending of the book.|

Christmas Eve was getting closer.

It seemed like I've only blinked once, then suddenly the days had started to pass through my fingers.

So many things had happened for the good or bad it may be. Tom stayed true to his words, he had started to warm up to Janna. From minor gestures to small talks, and it made Janna so happy.

They looked like a couple. Well, Janna deserves that happiness, I mean she had liked Tom all this time yet I chose to be selfish and almost wanted him for myself.

Me and Tom haven't spoke alone ever since that day. I could understand he wanted to avoid me and forget everything that happened, from kissing me to being so gentle and warm.

Me and Marco were still the same. It's like we took a step back from that date. I've been avoiding him, but I'm trying my best to pretend that everything was fine.

If he likes me, what are we?

I wanted to question him, but I was too afraid. Afraid that he might take his words back, or that I was just a rebound to him. That he thought he could mend his heart if he pretended he liked me.

This was so childish of me. The opportunity is right in front of me but my fear makes me weaken that I can't be bothered to confront him.

"Is something bothering you, Star?" I whipped my head around and met Janna's concerning eyes. I smile faintly, looking down on the desk.

"I don't know what to do," I confessed meekly. "--Marco kissed me and said he likes me, yet it seemed that we were back to where we were and I'm too afraid to confront him."

Most of the time Janna was noisy and foolish. But whenever I needed her, she was there to lend a shoulder. Janna placed her hand on my shoulder and gave me a comforting look. "You really like to make things difficult, don't you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't Marco say he likes you?" she says and I nod, my heart racing fast just thinking about that day. "--then what are you beating the bush around? Confess your feelings."

Warmth crept up my cheeks and I clutch to my erratic chest. "C-confess? I-I can't."

"Star," Janna sigh, giving me a scowl look. "--when are you going to take a move? Will you wait until he gets stolen by someone? He likes you, you like him, don't make it complicated!"

"How about you talk to him face-to-face later?" she suggest and I try to detest but Janna's look make me mum. I let out a shaky breath. "I-I'll try."

. . .

Marco had went to the teacher's lounge to pass his essay. I stayed behind the classroom while my hands turn sweaty cold, my heart was racing fast and my cheeks were boiling hot as I waited for him to come around.

STAR FRIENDZONED |COMPLETED✔|Where stories live. Discover now