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C H A P T E R  S I X T E E N -

Team Tom or Marco?

"You all wanna come this weekend?" Janna proposes something and everyone stares at her, waiting for what she's gonna say next.

She grins. "There's a Japanese style festival nearby, I was wondering if you'd all like to hang out."

"A japanese festival?" Jackie perks up and looks very invested. Janna nods. "So if you could wear yukata or kimonos, then that would be great."

"I'd go," Marco speaks up, then glanced at me and smiled. "--it's going to be fun."

"I guess I'll go," I shyly muttered, knowing that Marco would be there.

Then Janna shifts to look at Tom. "Are you gonna come, Tom?"

Tom just slightly nods and Janna clasps her hands. "Then that's settled. Let's meet by bus station, then."

. . .

"December sure is coming by fast," Marco states to break the silence as we walk home together. I nod and clutch at my bag. "It's going to get cold and we'd have to wear warm clothing."

"But atleast we're going to have a short break," he grins and stares up the skies. "--today was a good day. I can't wait when we go to the festival. There would be koi catching, stalls like takoyaki and such."

He then glances at me. "Are you gonna wear a yukata?"

"I'm not sure."

"I'd be happy if you wear one," he says and it takes me by surprise. My cheeks became flustered and I look away so he wouldn't see me blushing. "Don't expect anything."

"I won't," but the tone in his voice says otherwise.

. . .

We met up by the station and started heading to the festival. It wasn't a surprise when there were many people and it was crowded. We had to stick to each other or we'll get lost.

Janna, the pig she is, ran recklessly towards the food stalls and when we tried to find her, she wasn't in sight. She was swarmed by crowds of people and it was her stupidity that lead her.

The four of us were walking around the narrow ways, trying to find the idiot when kids suddenly bumped and shoved me that I fell and when I tried to stand up, my knees hurt.

It was bruised and bleeding. I silently cursed to myself as I forced myself to stand up whilst limping on one feet as I try to find everyone with the people passing by the speed of light.

A hand clasps on my wrist and I turned around with hopes that it was. "Marc---"

I froze. "Tom," he doesn't say anything and just started to walk whilst holding my hand in his. I tried not to whimper or show any signs of pain since I didn't want to converse with Tom nor bother him.

It was silent between us although the crowd was noisy and the delicious aroma of food got to me. We kept on walking until lesser people were present and it was where the benches were placed.

He removes my hand from his and he takes a seat. I sat down beside him as I watched everyone passing by, eating the different delicious  foods and playing games with delight. I was kinda sad since we all separated and I was left with Tom--who I don't know what to say.

"I'll be back," he stands up abruptly and takes one glance at me before I could say anything as he disappears with the crowd.

I sigh and looked at my crumpled yukata. I brushed with my fingers the fabric and felt disappointed that I couldn't show off my yukata and I was looking forward to it.

Now I'm all alone as everyone is gone. I lift my yukata to see my knees and winced when I tried to lift it up just slightly. It was bleeding and I didn't know what to do. I didn't have anything in me that could wipe or disinfect it.

I really had high expectations. That we'd all challenge ourselves with the games and we'd eat the different foods in the stalls until we drop. That Marco might..might atleast see me.

This is the worst. I couldn't  help but let a tear trickle down my eyes. I know I was making a big deal out of it, but I expect so much that this disappoints me.

I got slightly startled when I see a candied apple appear in front of me. I look up and see Tom with a stuffed toy and some takoyaki.

I grabbed the candied apple from him and looked down. "Thank you," I mutter softly as I bit, trying to dry my tears away.

"I don't know if you'd like this," he says and I look at him to see him trying to hand me the bunny stuffed toy. It was big enough to cuddle.


"I thought it'd cheer you up," he says and I take the stuffed toy in my arms. I faintly smile. "Thank you."

It was quiet again between us but it was alright. Seeing that Tom tried to comfort me made me feel better. I finished the apple and stood up carelessly--forgetting I had a wounded knee that I almost landed a blow to the harsh cold ground when Tom held on my wrists.

He pulled me back up and stood up, then lift my yukata without any warning as I turn red. "W-what are you doing?!"

He looks at my wounded knee and to me. "I'm fine," I tried to assure him but he shakes his head then bends down. "I'll carry you."

"No!" I  immediately refuse but he doesn't budge.

I mumble. "I'm heavy," I say as I wrap my arms around his neck and he hoisten me up with his strong arms holding my legs firmly as he started to walk through the crowd.

As he carries me, it's like I can see almost everything. I can see from above and I won't worry about anything.

I couldn't help but rest my head on his back as I felt warmth and comfort just like what he always do. My stomach churns and my heart raises as I asked him. "Do you like me, Tom?"

"I do," he says without hesitation and I turn profusely red, shocked by his blunt response.  "But you know I like Marco."

"I know."

"I really don't understand you, Tom," I say as I hold onto him tightly. "--you've been encouraging me about doing my best to make Marco like me."

"I just want you to be happy," he mutters.

"What about you?" he doesn't say anything and the air gets colder as the seconds pass by. I sigh and smile. "If only I loved you, Tom."

I could learn to love Tom. Loving Tom wouldn't be bad. He may be silent and mysterious but he knows me so well, he's there when I need someone.

I hope that I could fall in love with Tom. So that I would finally be happy for once.

April 16,2020

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