Friendzoned|Field Trip

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C H A P T E R  T W E L V E -
F I E L D  T R I P

I couldn't sleep a wink last night since I've been too excited thinking about the field trip tomorrow. We'd go on attractions, have fun and just forget everything that's been bothering us.

I yawned whilst stretching my arms as we wait for the bus to come get us. "I'm so sleepy."

"So, did you bring snacks?" Janna immediately asks, like the pig she is, as she rummaged around my bag for snacks and biscuits. I slap her hand away. "Eat it later, you pig. We haven't even gotten in yet and you're  not gonna give anyone anyway."

Janna scoffed and crossed her arms. "Rude. I'm not a pig! I'm just hungry, geez."

I looked around at everyone chattering about the places to visit and my eyes locked with Marco. I looked away, flustered. It's still awkward that he saw me hugging Tom. He's also been kinda weird eversince that day too.

"Line up, kids!" Ms. Dalen, our homeroom teacher, states as the buses arrived one by one. We all lined up and Janna suddenly pushes that I bumped on Marco's back.

"Janna!" I scowl at her and looked back to see Marco giving me a smile. My cheeks turned red. "S-sorry."

Janna today was really annoying and hyper that she wasn't satisfied and whispered in my ear. "We'll leave you two to bond. Who knows what will happen after this trip?"

I sigh. "I told you I gave up. There's nothing that will happen."

"Oh, stop denying it," she playfully nudges my shoulder. "--I know that stupid look of yours. You still like him."

I finally got inside the bus and looked around for vacant chairs when Janna pulls me beside Marco and grins. "Have fun."

I was about to stand up and move to the back when those stupid idiots dashed to the back to fill the empty seats so I'm stuck to Marco. I see Tom giving me a thumbs up and I flushed.

Why is this happening? Marco should seat beside Jackie! "Hey," he speaks that it bursts me out of my thought bubble.

I stutter. "H-hi."

"Tell me Star, do you have anyone you like?" he blurts all of the sudden with no haste and I widened my eyes. "L-like? There's no one."

"I see," he cuts off and silence lingers around us. I fiddle around the hem of my skirt as I feel like every second was gonna kill me since it was so defeaning it's scary--except that it was actually loud. But still.

"How about you? D-do you still like Jackie?" I say as I gripped on my skirt. "I do."

"This is a perfect chance for you right now," I muttered with a faint smile. "--you can ask her out to go with the different places. You'll get closer with her."

"How about you and Tom?" he immediately adds as he stared at the window with his palm rested under his chin. "T-t-om? What about him?"

"Do you like Tom?"

"I don't," I say softly. What's with him? Why is he persisting about a relationship between me and Tom when there's nothing at all.

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