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C H A P T E R  T H I R T E E N  -


I'm Marco Diaz, aged 15. Ever since I was in middle school, I fell in love with the girl named Jackie.

I remembered she was the girl who was always by her own, it wasn't that she has no friends but most of the people there idolized her to the point they thought they didn't deserved to be her friend.

I always wondered if she was alright being alone. So one day I decided to gather courage and try to talk to her.

I was surprised. She could smile and could hold on normal conversations just like any normal person. She had been so idolized that I thought she'd have a differenr persona. So I became her friend. Everywhere she went, I went.

I didn't want to miss her or not see a glimpse of her. Then I met Star, Tom, and Janna. Suddenly they became my friends to cherish for life and I was happy because Jackie can finally have friends she can also call her on.

Today was another surprisingly normal day. I clutch on my the straps of my bag as I carried on my way towards school.

I halt when I see the figure in front of me with disshevled hair and a toast in her mouth--like those clichè in the movies. She looks up and widens her eyes when she sees me and tries to tame her hair down.

I chuckle. "It's alright. Atleast it doesn't bite."

"Kshanamam," she mumbled with her toast in her mouth as she hurriedly brushed her hair with her fingers. She removed the toast from her mouth and frowned. "This was the alarm clock's fault."

She goes close to me and walks beside me. I looked at her in amusement and pat her hair. "Didn't know this was the  reason you're always almost late, Star."

"Don't amuse me," she nibbled on her toast.

This is Star Butterfly. I don't really know what I can say or think of her. I think she's unique on her own. And this was the first time we came to school together even though we lived that close.

"Marco, I have a tip to give you," I glanced  at her whilst she looks straight ahead. "--I was searching the net, about you a guy can impress a girl."

"It says that girls like confidence and humorous men," she shyly mutters. "--but I think you're fine on your own. Just try to be funny."

"How exactly should I be funny?" I asked her and she squirm her hands. "--how should I know? I'm not funny."

"Well, thank you, Star," I grin and see her eyes sparkling in a split second before looking away. "--no prob."

. . .

"Good morning, Jackie," I greeted her as she passed by my seat. She stops and turns to look at me with a wry smile. "Morning."

Eversince I confessed to Jackie, she had been discreetly trying to avoid me. We used to talk all the time and now she's trying to be distant. I don't wanna take back what I said, about loving her. I want her to love me back somehow.

Or if it's too much, I just want everything to be back to normal. I can't bear the thought of her drifting away.

"So, how was it?!" I hear Janna's obnoxious voice from nearby. She's teasing Star again and Star playfully smacks her head.

Janna Ordonia is really crazy, and hyper. She only cares about food and is reckless no matter what she does. I guess that's just her charm.

On their back was Tom sitting idling as he stared at Star with something in mind. Does he like her or what? I can't really tell what Tom is thinking, it's like he's from a different world---not to mention he's quiet and cold to other people.

I sigh as classes had begun again.

. . .

We were dismissed and I was packing my things when I see a figure hovered beside me. I look up and see Star looking at me intently. "Can we go home together? I have something to give you."

"Sure," I smile and grabbed the straps of my bag as I put them on. We started walking towards the school's gate and I see her hands fiddling, it's what she does when she's nervous.

Now it reminds me, Janna  said something weird. She said that Star likes me and that I understand her feelings but knowing her, she might messing with me.

I'm not saying Star is horrible. She cute, bubbly and smart, I can get along with her and it's  just that I like Jackie.

"Here," she puts the ticket in front of my face. I grabbed it and read. "This is a chick flick."

"Jackie likes that movie," she stares at me. "---you should go watch it with her."

Suddenly a strong gush of wind passed by us and Star's hair flew all over the place as she giggled and tried to tame it back. I couldn't help but smile.

Maybe it's not bad to learn to love someone like Star. If she loves me too, then there would be no problem.

But this ticket in front of me, is the  answer to that fate.

April 13,2020

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