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C H A P T E R  N I N E -

|Author's Note : Hey guys! Just a quick thing. I'd be updating every Monday and Friday so please wait for the upcoming chapters!|


I lay awake staring at my ceilings as if I can see them. I couldn't see nothing but darkness, yet for once I felt so welcomed. It's like I belonged in this darkness all along.

I turned off my phone a while ago since there were countless missed calls and texts and frankly, I was too tired to handle it. I just wanted to be on my own, just trying to organize and how I can pretend I'm normal by tomorrow.

My heart? It's non-existent. It's numb to the point I chose not to feel anything. That no matter how I cried, I couldn't anymore and this was for the best.

My feelings for Marco? I'll force myself to forget everything. The happiness and foolish feelings I felt whenever I was with Marco. The way I acted so stupid and swooning over him. The times I pray and dreamt in my sleep that we were going to be together.

The times I imagined how our family would be and how he would kiss me tenderly or hug me every time. It's just an illusion.

I've held with that dream and imagination for as long as I could. I thought  that patient people would get the best blessing, but I got the curse.

It's like I'm breathing poison. Starting tomorrow, I'd go on and live my day pretending not to know. Waiting for the day I fear that Jackie might love Marco too.

I have to prepare myself from the worst scenario. That I'd have to grit through my teeth and support  them, that I'd have to prick my eyes as I watch them happily wishing it could've been me.

I feel the soft and furry toy beside me. I grab it and held it close to my chest. Oh Holly, why is life cruel?

My eyes felt heavy and I couldn't fight sleep anymore, so I welcomed it with open arms and entered my dreams.

. . .

"Wake up little witch!" the door opens loudly and I stir awake in my sleep. I nozzled the stuffed toy to my face as I refuse to acknowledge anything.

The blinds then starts to open and I feel the sun piercing. Then I thought it was over when I was wrong. "Wake up wrench!"

The voice pierces through my ear and I immediately sat up in bed screaming. I looked at the suspect and find Laxus grinning as I clutch onto my now damaged ears. "What the frick is wrong with you?!"

"Oh little sister, why it's payback," he then snatches my duvet and throws it on the floor. "--now get your ass up or I'll force you myself."

. . .

"Stupid brother, stupid idiot!" I curse inside my mind as I begrudgingly walk down the halls into the school. I clutch on the straps of my bag tighter as I march down the hallways with a frown etched on my face.

I then arrive at my destination. I stood frozen in front of the door with  my heart raising. How can I act normal? Am I even acting normal right now? I take one long deep breath and opened the door.

Everyone's eyes stared at me and then went back minding their own business. I head down to my chair  and notice the chair beside me is vacant. He must be so heartbroken, knowing he's so gentle and naive.

I didn't realize I was shooting daggers at the vacant chair when I felt someone nudge my shoulder. I look up and my face softened when I see Tom. He looks at me with usual look, bored  as always.


"Yo," I replied back, trying to act like him so cool and swag, like a mysterious guy that everyone would like to win over.

"Here," he handed me something and my eyes sparkled in delight. I look back at him and grin. "How did you know it was my favorite?"

"You always eat it," he says one last time before  taking his seat which is behind me.

The door then bursts open and I see Janna making a grand entrance. It's like she's playing a skit, she never fails to make life fun.

She looks at me then dashes close by the speed of light, her face so close that it invades the word PRIVACY. "Are you alright?"

"I've always been alright," I replied. "--what did Tom gave you?"

"Stop changing the subject!" she grabbed a hold of my shoulders and shook me back in forth as if I didn't understand a thing she said. "--tell me, did you hear?"

"Hear what? Your stomach grumbling?" I retort and Janna turns red. "Not that. I mean did you hear.. I mean hear hear..what Marco said yesterday....."

"I guess I did," I say coolly. "--but it doesn't bother me. I mean, my crush on Marco was just for fun."

Liar. I should really get paid for acting so well.

"Anyway, how did you know?" I ask her suspiciously and Janna avert her eyes and scratches her hair. "Ahh, how did I know...J-Jackie. Yes! I heard it from  Jackie."

"But Star," she looks at me seriously. "--you can tell me."

"You're always so good at playing fine that no one can suspect a thing," she says and pats my head. "--but I can. I know you since 1st grade, how can I not notice?"

"You can tell me all about it when we're alone," she reassures and smiles at me. "--you can trust me."

"Stop acting cool," I look at her. "--you don't suit it and I know I will never hear the end of it unless I tell. "

"Exactly," she snaps her fingers and grin at me. "--so you have to spill it out, okay?"

Janna is always a handful, but whenever I need a friend, she's there.

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