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C H A P T E R  F I F T E E N -

8 chapters left to go!!🎉

I couldn't say anything. I just looked at him and immediately ran back to where everyone was. It was chaos as expected.

Janna was being stupid, the same as Laxus. Marco was sitting by the grass, admiring the sky above and overall they look like different people mushed into one setting. Like a rainbow vomit.

"There you are," Jackie looks up and comes close to me. Her expression changes to worry as she rests her palm on my forehead. "Why is your face red? Are you sick?"

I immediately shake my head. "Everything's fine!" I shriek too loudly.

Jackie looks from behind me. "What did you do to Star?" I shiver when I feel his presence from behind me. I immediately stutter like a fool. "W-what d-do you mean?"

"You sure are acting weird," Jackie gives me a look. "If something's bothering you, just tell me okay?"

I nod. I didn't want to be near or even see Tom right now. I'm not even sure what to feel right now. I'm a train wreck right now.

And that was my first kiss. I thought Marco you know, would be my first kiss..but things got complicated and Tom, the least guy I suspect, did.

I think Tom understood I didn't want him near me 'cause he sat down  beside Marco and he just nods while listening to Marco.

. . .

I blinked as I stared at my ceilings with my heart still palpitating just thinking about it. I brought a finger to my lips and I turn red like an idiot once again. Does this mean he likes me?

But why? Why would someone like him be interested in me? I'm not saying Tom is bad. It's just that I'm way out of league for someone like him.

He's handsome, has that constant frown on his face that brings the appeal, and his luscious lips. So many girls tried to soften his heart like those in novels. But no one has ever softened his heart or broken him.

I don't think he'll ever change that quiet and mysterious aura of his, but him smiling is a small start. Should I be thinking about what to say to Tom?

Should I be rejecting him if he confesses?! And why am I thinking ahead?! And that smile of his! It's so pretty if he just smiles more.

It was only for me to see and that makes me happy. It's like someone finally saw me as a woman.

I bring the duvet up to my lips as I mumbled. "And he kept on cheering me, saying not to give up yet he kisses me all of the sudden."

. . .

Classes were starting again and I was contemplating whether to go or not. I haven't had a wink of sleep since I kept thinking about what to do or say.

"Get your ass up!" Laxus grunts as he tries to pull my legs to put me out of bed. I fight back and hold onto the bed as much as I can.

"What's the matter with you?! Did something happened?!" he raises his voice. I shout back. "N-nothing happened!"

"Then get the hell up!" he finally manages to pull me out of bed and I try to crawl my way back when he grabs me and carries my body like a sack. "You're a nuisance, idiot."

"Shut up, Laxus! I don't want to hear that from you," I sneer as I let Laxus carry me down the stairs like I'm some disabled or spoiled child who won't walk down.

. . .

I arrived to school with anxiety eating me away and my heart racing with some many possibilities. I reluctantly twist the knob open when I feel a figure hover behind me. "Sorr---"

I immediately turn mute when it was Tom as he looked at me like he always does. It was as if he hasn't kissed me.  Was I really just dreaming? He opens the door for me and we both head inside as I lowered my head down.

I guess a kiss wasn't that important to him. Why am I disappointed anyway? Obviously because that was my first kiss! Taking away something precious to a maiden! "Morning Star"

I was so busy conflicting inside my mind that  I didn't  hear Marco. He waves his hand in front of me and I snap, looking at him in a daze. "Are you alright?"

"Huh, y-yeah," I stutter as I suddenly stare at Marco's lips. Has he ever kissed someone for no reason? How would his lips feel like. I shake my head and look away, feeling shameful for thinking about dirty things.

Just because of a kiss, I'm on edge.

I quickly stole a glance at Tom to see him staring at me and I look away, letting a small sound of surprise as it takes my heart on edge.

Dear God,

  I only asked for Marco to like me back. I didn't ask for a harem or another problem.

Is this my popular phase? If so, now's not the time!

April 14, 2020

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