Friendzoned|Panty Shots

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C H A P T E R  T W O -
P A N T Y  S H O T S

Later that day I arrived so glum. I felt like all the energy I had in store deflated. Janna didn't even spare any to the chocolate I bought. Selfish bastard.

I lumpily walk myself to the door and was in for a suprise when I saw my father blasting Christmas songs on repeat, not only that, but he was also half naked with a santa hat on his head.

"What are you doing dad?!" I shouted in embarrasment. "It's not even Christmas!"

My father walked to my direction then rested a hand on my shoulder. "Lighten up! Any day can be Christmas!"

I scrunched my nose, he stinked on alcohol. Obviously he's  drunk and whenever my dad was drunk you had to stay away from him or you'll get dragged by him and his embarrasing motives.

My eyes widened when I saw my older brother as well, intoxicated but was on top of the table twerking. He kept on shouting 'Booties'

It wasn't even hilarious--it was mortifying. I almost screamed when I saw my painting on the floor covered with shit. My eyes watered at the sight of my ravishing painting. I had painted it when I was nine, it was my very first painting. Looking at it, it was shitty (no pun) just different shades of green mashed together to create a tree and more.

"Laxus! Did you put shit on my painting?!" I roared walking to my brother.

He faced me and grinned. "No.The dog did, he took a dump and I wiped it with your paper."

Words can't express how frustrated I am. I took a deep breath."Then where's the dog?"

His face fell, then grinned. "I let him go."

"I felt bad for imprisoning him in this household so I let him go to explore the world," he says. "--the dog needs to grow up."

"BLOODY HELL!" I screamed.

"I have superpowers, look!" he wobbled when he stood on the table. He spread his arms apart and lunged towards the floor. He landed with a thud and I'm guessing he passed out.

I began to panic. Chester our dog could be anywhere!

I dashed outside, my heart rapidly racing at the thought of our dog forever vanishing. "Chester! Chester!" I kept on shouting whilst I kept on walking at the silent neighbourhood.

Where the hell is that dog?!

"Chester I have treats!" I yelled once more.

Whenever I said treats Chester would come retreating to me.But I assume he's somewhere farther than this. I should put Laxus's toothbrush on the toilet for using my painting as paper and letting Chester ran away.

That fat-ass where the hell is he? I'm sure that fat dog wouldn't last a day.

I kept on running with nowhere in particular. I took a stroll at the park, he wasn't even there. The places we used to walk, he wasn't there. Where the fuck is he?!

I almost gave up and attempted to head home when I saw the familiar tail wagging, the black slender tail that I used to pull when I was a young imbecile.

I ran in the dark alley. "Chester!" I grabbed his tail.

I should've checked before pulling it's tail because when it faced me it wasn't Chester. It was a stray dog looking vicious at me and I took a step back cautiously.

"Shhh. Don't come near to me," but the dog didn't budge.

I knew one thing that if you are stuck with a stray dog you should never run but my nerves and senses broke lose. I began to sprint and the dog chased me back. I'm fortunate I'm from the track and field team that I ran so swiftly.

I ran faster than the wind, my hair all around my face as I dashed with all my life. The dog was still there. I tried swerving in random directions that should get the dog out of my tail (lel)  but it was fucking smart. Too clever for a  stray dog.

"Mommy!!" I began to wail out loud when I ran in crowded places. There were a lot of people and I bumped with some. I muttered apologies and kept on running.

I was almost successful in getting the stray dog lost when I trip in some imaginary rock and fell face flat. The breeze was so brash that it lifted my skirt with ease revealing my undergarment. My cheeks went flushed as I stood up quickly gaining a bruise on my left foot.

"M-marco?!" I glanced at him in horror as he stood in front of me. He must've saw my panties. My gosh! My dignity!

My face became red and I swear this is the worst day of my life.

"Are you okay?" he spoke, concerned and helped me wipe the dirt that stuck in my clothes.

"Y-yeah," I wheezed.

"Why were you running like you were chased by the police?" he pipes in curiosity.

"A stupid stray dog chased me," I muttered under my breath.

"Are you free right now Marco?" I look at him. He tilts his head. "Well I guess I am."

"Can you help me find my dog?"

"Please!" I beg clutching on his shirt.


True to his words, he did help me find my dog. It was already dark and the chances of finding Chester was slim. What if he died? What if he's abducted?

Tears became stuck in my throat as I attempted to swallow them.

"Star," Marco place a hand on my shoulder as I looked up at him."We'll find him, but it's  already dark."

"Let's call it a day okay?" he ruffled my hair with sympathy.

I nodded slowly and started walking.


Marco offered to walk me home. I know I'm supposed to be flattered that I'm with Marco but I worry for my dog.

When I opened the door, the familiar wagging tail greeted me and lurched towards me. I blinked. This couldn't be a delusion, right?

This couldn't be real, right? RIGHT?!

I must've been hallucinating. But when I saw Marco's eyes buldge in suprise I know it was the opposite.

I chuckled angrily, waiting to blow a land on his stupid brain. "LAXUS!!" I roared loudly that it echoed in the house. Marco covered his ears and flinched.

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