Friendzoned Special🌟|Loving Star

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People often ask why I'm quiet, why I have such robotic expressions on my face. I also wondered why myself. I see people expressing their feelings so blatantly, seeing them smile, cry and get angry.

I tried, but I just couldn't be like them. It's like I was never made to feel those emotions, that all I have was a dull expression.

People talk behind my back, belittling me and making fun of me. But I didn't mind. I also thought I was a freak myself, for not being normal. For always being...dull.

Then I met Star Butterfly. She had a lot of friends and was always bubbly, she always hang out with that over hyper girl and their voices were so loud that probably the whole school could hear.

They were always bickering and it never seemed to stop.

. . .

Everyone was at the  playground, doing normal things kid should do while I, stayed behind the classroom, reading the novel like it was the best thing I ever had.

"Why don't you want to play?" a voice speaks, I look up to see Star Butterfly. "Do you want to play with me then?"

"No," I calmly said, although I know that people would misunderstand that and think I'm a rude kid, but she didn't think of me that way.

Instead she took a seat the opposite of me and rests a hand under her chin. "But it's lonely being alone. Then, can I be your friend?"

I paused. Then stared at he crystal blue eyes. No one had ever asked me that. Her eyes looked so genuine and I couldn't reject her. I silently nod and she grins, her eyes squinting in happiness as she  hands me a lollipop.  "Here."

"I don't understand you at all," she says. "--you don't smile nor engage with other people. But I'll still be your friend. I'll make sure that you'll never be lonely."

That was the bold statement of Star Butterfly

And it was just the two of us---when that other girl wasn't around. She didn't mind me not speaking or engaging with her. She just kept talking and wasn't bothered that she was talking to no one, because I wouldn't say anything.

Then she liked the boy named Marco. She always talked about him with her dreamy eyes and her mouth would never stop complimenting him. But I didn't mind. Since she was my friend, I was willing to support her.

. . .

"So you've loved me all this time," she mutters in a soft timid tone as she stares at her shoes with a light blush on her cheeks. "--I'm sorry I never noticed."

"I was only thinking about Marco. I always talked to you about him in middle school when I didn't know you liked me."

She looks up at me and smiles. "But you're always looking at me with that monotone look on your face. I could never  tell what you were feeling."

"Then you even went far to support me and Marco," she trails off. "--you listened to me. You never put yourself first."

"It's okay to be selfish sometimes, Tom," she lifts her hand and held mine, squeezing it.

"I'm being selfish."

She looks at me with her eyebrows furrowed. "How so?"

I don't say anything and just watched as she persists, asking me for an answer. She crosses her arms and pout at me. "It's not bad to talk sometimes you know."

"It's weird," I mumbled.

"Tom," she trails off. "--I like you."

"But," she adds, then  gives me a faint smile. "--I want to love myself first. I don't want to think about love for now. I want to focus on caring for my own worth and welfare."

"Falling for a guy is too much for me right now," she looks down. "--I want to take a rest on that."

"I'll wait," I utter. It takes her by surprise. Then she whispers softly. "Even if it takes years? Will you really wait for someone like me?"

I don't answer her question. She bursts out chuckling. "You're really nice, Tom. How about we make a deal?"

"Three years from now, let's meet again. Let's meet in this same place. And that's how we'll know."

"But if we somehow don't cross paths, then it's okay. But I promise to cherish you in my memories, Tom."

And that was her promise.

STAR FRIENDZONED |COMPLETED✔|Where stories live. Discover now