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C H A P T E R  S I X  - H E Y

I closed the door from behind me, my heart raising as a smile found it's way on my lips. I slowly ran my palms on the soft texture of the stuffed toy. I lifted my head towards the light pink ceilings.

Dreamily, I let the words slip out from my mouth like liquid. "I love you."


"Happy birthday weirdo!" I squealed in happiness as I pulled her in a bone-crushing hug.

I value my friend's birthday but this time I'm more enthusiastic about it than the person having their birthday. I couldn't blame them if they notice my abnormal behaviour for this day. This day was just going the way I wanted and it's as if nothing is gonna hurt me.

I'm too ecstatic to feel any emotions besides how I feel right now.

Janna immediately noticed how I was acting because after we pulled apart, she shot an eyebrow in suspicion, a sly smile plastered on her face."So what happened?".

I tried to control the smile trying to break in my face, I looked away. "I don't know what you're saying," I lied.

She nudged my shoulder playfully. "I know. But you have to tell me later."

"I don't know Janna, just go away and enjoy the attention," I pushed her towards our table where everyone was waiting with wide grins in their face. Gifts in hand, Janna, being herself, dashed towards them, her eyes twinkling--darting at the presents.

I shook my head in disbelief. Janna will always be Janna.

I followed after Janna and sat beside Tom--who doesn't suprise me when his face is expressionless. I don't really understand why Tom and I became friends, it sorta happened but even if he's silent, he still makes me comfortable.

I glanced at Marco and our eyes met. I grinned sheepishly and looked away, focusing my gaze back to Tom. "What did you get for Janna?"

"A book," he briefly spoke, his dull emerald eyes boring against mine.

"What book?" I urged, resting my chin under my palm.

He sighed, as if tired with speaking to me. "Ask Janna."

I gave up with trying to put up a conversation with him. So I returned my attention to Janna as she hastily opens up the presents.

I heard Jackie said something about delicately opening the wrappers because they would be a waste, but Janna let it pass by her ear, still opening the presents with force.

"Did you name the stuffed dog?" a voice interrupted my reverie as my eyes shot immediately to it's direction.

I smiled, a blush creeping underneath my cheeks."Y-Yeah, but trust me you don't want to know it."

He smiled wider, his white pearly teeth in view ."Well I want to know, tell me."


Marco was about to open his mouth to say something when Laxus arrives at our table, his hand resting on my shoulder with his eyes twinkling mischievously. "What do we have here?"

I groaned, slapping Laxus's hand away from my shoulder. The reason why I try to get away from my own brother is because he's extremely annoying. He always embarrass me--especially to Marco, he's done it countless of times and I'm sure he's in the mood due to my pranks.

I shot him a threatening glare, telling him to shut his mouth or else.

Of course he didn't care because he proceeded to open his mouth. "Did you know that my beloved sister sleeps like a pig?"

His face brightened. "I have a picture."

My eyes widened in horror. "No!" I screeched as I watch him grab his phone from his pocket.

I reached for it with my hands but Laxus was too swift, he raised his phone above his head---where I couldn't reach it. I stood up and tried to grab it.

When I realized it was pointless, I slumped defeatedly on my seat, my mood becomming gloomy as Laxus hands them his phone. Janna and Jackie stared at his phone, Janna later on, bursted in laughter and Jackie bit her lip, trying to control the urge to laugh.

I bitterly laughed. Yeah, laugh at my misery I swear I'll overdose myself later because of humiliation and Laxus would be in jail.

My story would be in headlines "Sixteen year old commits suicide after her own brother humiliates her with a sleeping picture of her that is horribly humorous"

And then below the all capitalized, bold letters it would say. "Turn to page 12 for the photo and full article."

I closed my eyes and wanted to throw myself in a hole.

Stupid Laxus.


I slowly walked myself on the empty hallways. My eyes eyeing the different classrooms with questions in mind. I excused myself to go to the bathroom, just because I felt tired and wanted some fresh, cool water on my face.

I paused when I heard a sound coming from the other way. I let my feet carry me to the source of the noise. It was faint yet I could hear it.

I hid myself from the concrete wall, my ears pressed and my heart raising. It was wrong for me to be eavesdropping but the voice sounded so familiar that I had to check if it was true or not.

"I don't know," a faint masculine voice spoke.

It was Marco, I could tell. I peered my head to see the view. It was Jackie and Marco.

My heart pounded when I heard the words that came exactly from his mouth. "I love you".

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