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C H A P T E R  S E V E N -

"I love you."

Just three words were enough to shatter me apart. It was wrong and that I shouldn't be listening but I couldn't help.

It must be a mistake, right? I tried to calm myself and not let emotions get through me. My heart was becoming erratic as I tried with all my best to listen to them talk and not let my heartbeat turn me deaf.

"Is that how you feel?" Jackie says in a soft-manner.

I covered my mouth with my sweaty palms, trying not to make a squeak as I started to sob. "I'm sorry, Marco but don't love me."

I didn't want to hear anymore from them. Just hearing him say those words were enough to crush me yet I couldn't move. I stiffened in my position as I teared like a fool eavesdropping a private conversation. "You don't love me. You're just confused."

"What do I do Jackie to make you love me?" I could hear the pain and desperation in Marco's voice. Never in my life had I heard and seen him so wrecked like this.

The Marco I knew was kind-hearted, smiling and didn't give a care about anything. It's like he had a world of his own and suddenly he loves--not even like but love, Jackie?

With every remaining willpower and courage of mine, I dashed away with tears sprung into my eyes as I lowered my head and passed by countless of people, wondering why I was acting odd.

It was suffocating, it's like I couldn't breathe and I didn't know what to do. I opened the door and ran outside feeling the cold slap of wind gush through my tear-stained face and skin.

I was about to run away and didn't know where to go to when a hand clasp on my arm. I turn around and see Tom looking at me with the same monotone expression of his.

What is he doing? I look away, realizing that I had been crying and wiped my face with my free hand. I faced him again and smiled. "What's the matter? Is the party boring or what?"

He lets go of my arm, and sits on the cold grass then he motions me to sit beside him. "I-I can't. I'm kinda busy, Tom," I tried to lie but his eyes could see through me. I sigh and sat beside him, feeling the leaves tickle me.

"Say it," he says softly and I cuddle my knees close to me as stared at the grass like it was a masterpiece of some sort. "Say, have you ever got your heart broken?"

"I guess your silence means no," I smile bitterly, plucking one leaf and then flick it away. "--but it hurts so bad like fck."

"I'm actually stupid," I chuckle to myself. "--to think I actually had a chance with Marco. H-he was just so kind and gentle with me that I-I thought..."

I took a deep breath and swallow my tears. "--I thought he'd like me too."

"Everyone's been rooting for me," a tear trickles down my eyes. "--but what's the point if his heart is settled on someone else?"

"Say am I not enough for him? Am I lacking something?" I look at Tom as his figure in my vision gets clouded with tears. "--what do I do to make him like me too?"

"Am I not trying my best?" I sob. "--I like him so much Tom that it hurts, that I can't breathe, that I don't know how much can I pretend I'll  be fine."

"Maybe it's my fate, every men I like just don't like me back," I couldn't control it anymore and I started to burst in loud sobs. I didn't care anymore, I didn't care if they see me like this so broken, that I couldn't mask my emotions any longer because this is the worst feeling I've ever experienced.

Tom reaches for my back and pulls me close to him. I cry as I hold on to him with all I could. "T-t-om, h-how can I be like you?"

"I don't want to feel anything anymore," I clutch on his shirt, my tears soaking his shirt but he doesn't say anything. "--how can I mask my feelings like you do?"

March 31,2020

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