Friendzoned|Birthday Surprise

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C H A P T E R  F O U R T E E N -
B I R T H D A Y  S U R P R I S E

I wake up and immediately got out of bed. I hopped in my walk as I dashed downstairs with a wide smile. "Morning my handsome brother," I say to Laxus as a sing along.

Laxus almost chokes on his cereal and looks at me with fear. "Who the hell are you? Wrench! How dare you possess my sister?"

I rest my arms on my hips and pout. "Rude. I'm just happy."

"If you're expecting a gift, just give up," he doesn't spare me a glance as he continues eating without a care. I walk close to him and smack his head that the milk came out of his nose.

"You could have just said happy birthday! It's not that hard, you stupid idiot of a brother!" I raise my voice as he continues to cough and blow his nose with the napkin.

"Serves you right," I say under my breath.

"What's with the commotion?" my father heads down, followed by a yawn as my mother followed behind him. My father comes to me and pulls me in a bone-crushing hug. "Happy 16th birthday, my baby girl!"

"Thank you, papa," I say as I signalled him to let go or I'll die. My mother pulls my father away from me and pats me in the head. "Do you want a big party? I mean today is your sweet sixteen, I can-"

"'s okay, " I say as I scratch my head, reminding the party incident with Janna's birthday party. Don't want something to happen to me.

"I just want a small celebration with  you and my close friends," I say shyly as I hoped my mother would come and celebrate later. My mother always comes home late and I'm not sure if she can celebrate.

My mother smiles. Something she rarely does since my family is abnormal. "If the birthday girl wishes, then it's okay. I'll cook up your favorite lasagne and cookies."

I nod as so much  happiness is inside me that I could cry a river of tears. "Thank  you."

. . .

I opened the door to the classroom and the first thing I see is Janna's face up so close. I can clearly see her pores and my reflection in her brown, hazel eyes. "Where is your party held?"

I push her away with my palm in her face. "Geez. That's really the first thing you ask?"

"Well, happy birthday," she grins and I sigh walking to my seat and placed my bag on the floor. "--that's the first thing you should have said."

"How about I just un-invite you?" I teased her as she looks at me with puppy eyes. As if it was actually cute. She looks like an old man that wants to harass you or something.

"Am I not  your best friend?" she tries to reason out but I look away, trying to hide my sly grin. "Your friend card won't work. I'm tired of putting up with  your gluttony issues."

"Fine!" she hisses. "--I'll make sure not to give you your present."

I grin and looked behind me to see Tom silently reading a novel. He looks so focused on it that he might not hear me. Tom is really good looking---especially when his lips are curved and his brows are furrowed.

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