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C H A P T E R  F O U R - P A Y B A C K

I think I might have dark circles under my eyes. Last night, Mother became ballistic. She was so intimidating that I couldn't dare look at her eyes. I thought it was only my brother and father to be scolded heavily at but I wasn't an exemption.

She basically screeched at me for my grades even shorter than my height--to which my brother snorted but Mother glared at him otherwise. Who could blame me, I'm not that smart, if I'm dull then my mother should accept it.

"Why the hell are you smiling?!" Laxus snapped at me. It was evident in his face that he is indeed in pain, tired and pissed--he even dare put his anger on his harmless sister.

I would have snapped at him too considering he made me chase a dog that wasn't even gone, embarrass me in front of Marco, then the hours of Mother scolding us three but I did something earlier that lifted my grumpy mood.

Let's just say that if my brother knew my juvenile acts then he'll throw me into outerspace.

"Oh nothing," I dismissed, waving my hands. "It's just that it's not good to be grumpy so early in the morning."

His eyes squinted in suspicion. "You twat. You did something, didn't you?"

I widened my eyes from his accusation. "How dare you accuse of something that you don't even know you asshat!"

"Whatever, get the hell out of my sight or I'll kill you," he threatened before he fled into the bathroom,  slamming it so harshly that it was loud and painful.

"Enjoy brushing your hair," I chimed before hopping down the stairs.


"Really? You dipped his hairbrush on the toilet?" Janna rephrased, her eyes twinkling in satisfaction.

"That's so mean Star," Jackie spoke, taking a bite of her doughnut.

"Your family is weird," Janna added.

"I don't think so. Her family is interesting," Marco interjected. My eyes landed on his direction, my heartbeat increasing by the second.

"I like it," he licked his lips and smiled.


"STAR!!" Laxus roared on top of his lungs. Thankfully, I had managed to hide in my room before he could find out my michevious act.

Loud footsteps were drawing closer to my room then it became big fists that pounded loudly on my door. It would seem that my door would collapse or break due to the strength planted by the owner's fist.

I reluctantly walked towards the door and opened it before he'd become bersek.

I watch in fear as my brother's eyes twitch. His teeth was gritted, hair so messy like it was ruffled frustratingly, his cheeks were bright pink and one more step he might have smoke coming out of his nose like an angry bull in some cartoons.

"Yes my brother?" I pretended to act innocent but it's obvious that he found the source to all his bad luck this day.

"Don't brother me you witch, why the hell is my homework covered with shit?!" he yelled that it echoed on the thin walls.

I shrugged. "Ask the dog, he's probably the one who did that."

He chuckled out of anger. "You boobless girl. I might fail because of you!".

I smirked. "I have an idea, how about you tell the teacher what exactly happened?"

"You'd tell them, my dog took a dump on my homework. Isn't that unique? It's an even better excuse than the dog ate your homework."

"You know that body part where you use in talking?" he looks at me with frustration

"My mouth?" I pretend to act all innocent.

"Yeah," He paused. "You should stop doing it because it can save everyone from your petty mouth."

"I swear I'll get back to you twerk!" he glared at me and slammed the door shut.

No you will not Laxus, my small balled brother.

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