Friendzoned|Mother, Father Your Son In Law

586 17 14

C H A P T E R  T H R E E -
M O T H E R, F A T H E R, Y O U R
  S O N  I N  L A W

"Y-yurr?" Laxus appeared in front of me slurred, still tipsy by the alcohol. His eyes were barely even opened as he chuckled.

"Care to explain why the dog is here when you said you let him go?" I tried to conceal my bursting emotions and I even let Marco help me find a dog that wasn't even lost.

His face fell into deep thought."Did I?"

My patience snapped and I lunged into his unstable body making both of us fall on the floor. I grabbed a hold of his hair and began pulling harshly. "WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I screamed.

He wailed in agony but I couldn't be compassionate for my own blood. I could even kill him right now with my claws--nails. He'd never understand the humiliation and petrified events that happened to me today.

"I swear I could kill you right now jerk!" I screeched obnoxiously still on top of him and pulling his dirty blonde locks.

"Star I think that's enough," Marco interjected with his tone trying to not sound rude.

I sighed and gave him a look that says 'I'll get back to you later' before standing up from my wasted brother, brushing my skirt in the process.

"I'm really sorry Marco," I lowered my head in shame.

"No it's fine, especially when I saw a side of Star Butterfly that's like a wild animal," he teased winking thus making my cheeks turn crimson red.

"What is going on?" a voice emerged out of a sudden. The room became quiet besides the loud music blasting from the steroes, her voice was laced with authority and terror that I closed my eyes and waited for her wrath.

Meet my mother, Moon. She's the only person who keeps our ballistic family sane. I don't know how she does it but I respect my own mother. Her eyes then landed on Marco.

"Since it's getting late boy how about you have dinner here?"

Marco immediately nodded. He could probably sense that if he's gone then my mom would turn into a demon spouting scary things or it's just that my mother is intimidating.


"Are you close with my daughter?"

"Yes, Maam," somehow this feels like he's being interrogated by the police. Who wouldn't when my mother's voice was void from any expression, her lips pursed in a thin line.

"I assume you are not her boyfriend because there's no way you'd like her," me and Marco coughed on our food. Ouch, that was painful.

How could my own mother hurt me or realize that he couldn't  be my boyfriend?

"We don't know. Maybe I'd date her in the future," Marco responded giddy.

My mouth flew open. What the heck is coming out of his mouth? My cheeks turned red in an instance. How could he make me so happy yet miserable? It's impossible  for him to like me. I already accepted that it's  one-sided.

"Laxus, why weren't you at school?" my mother spoke calmly though I know inside she's biting her tongue, restraining to reprimand my frivolous father and brother.

"We were half day only so I went home and hang with dad," he answered much better than his state awhile ago. Maybe because I pulled his hair he probably regained the right state of mind.

"We'll talk about this later," Mother added.

"So Marco, how is my daughter  at school?"

Marco looked up from his plate, his gaze shifted from my mother to me then to my mother again. "She's doing well. She's very fun to hang with."


"I'm sorry again Marco," I say apologetic.

He shook his head. "No, I had fun."

"See you at school!" I hollered.

"Goodbye Star," he waved his hands as I watch his figure and silhouette disappear.

"Close the door," Mother's voice echoes in a threatening tone.

I gulped. She's gonna explode.

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