Friendzoned|Save Nii-san

334 10 18

C H A P T E R  S E V E N T E E N -
S A V E  N I I - S A N

"Guys," I called out everyone's attention. Janna stopped munching on her burger like a pig and rest fixated their gazes on me as I blow a shaky breath.

"I think Laxus is seeing someone," I continued, mortified. I would feel bad for  the girl if she dated someone like my brother. My brother is the most immature, reckless and irresponsible person ever.

Janna shrugs off and gives me a flat look, then proceeded to munch on her burger. "So? Isn't  it normal for your brother to be dating? I mean he's a grown ass man."

"Janna's right," Jackie agreed. "--or you  don't want your brother's attention to be drifted away from you?"

"You don't  get it!" I fuss and stood up, slamming my palms on the table with a defiant look on my face. "--We gotta help the poor girl  escape from my brother's clutches!"

"How exactly do we do that?" Janna says in between bites, her mouth filled with burger mush and Jackie scowl at her to chew first.

I paused and realized that Janna was right. "Do you even have evidence?" Marco piped up. "--I'd love to help you."

"See? Atleast Marco is willing!" I point an accusing finger at Janna and Jackie. Then I stole a glance at Tom and grumbled. "How about you Tom, are you gonna help?"

He doesn't say anything and I sigh, wanting to pull out all the strands of my hair. "I'll swear I'd find an evidence, just you wait!"

I storm out and before  I did, I heard Janna shout back. "Why are you so fired up about it?!"

"Just..because!" I respond and opened the cafeteria door and slammed it shut. I clenched on my fists and grit my teeth. I just want to save that poor girl.

. . .

Evidence. How exactly do I prove that my brother is seeing someone? Well the only thing I noticed was that he was always chatting away and while he does it, he had that dreamy look that every infatuated person would.

Then it was weird that he was suddenly wearing perfume. I mean my brother never uses perfume and the worst possible case was that he stunk from body odor and he'd let me smell it to my horror.

And the scariest of them all was that he was totally being kinder to me these past few days. I mean my brother would never fail to pick on me or pull on a prank and that was our usual routine, yet he's been kinder and he even offered to help me if I needed one!

I bit my fingernails like a habitual thing of mine. It's  something I do when I'm always nervous or frightened of something.

Then a bright bulb sparked on my head and I said to myself. Eureka! If my brother went out somewhere dressed well, then I could follow him!

I just need to wait for that opportunity.

"Oh hi," my brother says from the other line as he was laid back on the couch with his legs sprawled and his eyes closed. "Yea, I had fun. It was really helpful."

"This Saturday?" he says too chirpy, then a smile appeared on his lips. "--that's fine with me. 12 o'clock at the HoneyTea Cafe Shop then?"

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