Friendzoned|My Point

359 13 1

C H A P T E R  E I G H T -
M Y  P O I N T


"Why are you telling me this all now, Marco?" I look at him in vain. This is not how this should be.

Marco looks at me like a puppy who lost its owner. It makes me guilty that I made him feel this way, that I refuse to acknowledge his feelings but this is what's  right. "Is it bad to love you Jackie?"

"It's bad," I whisper and clench on my fists. "--this is wrong, Marco."

"But this is how I feel, Jackie," he clenches on his heart. "--am I wrong for feeling this way?"

"Marco I---"

"I love you Jackie. I loved you since we first met," he looks down and I see a tear fall. "I couldn't just stand by and just be okay with watching you from afar."

"You may not take me seriously because I always act like I'm an airhead, but I this is something I know I feel so true," he sobs.

"Marco I'm sorry," I whisper. "--but I will never love you."

"Then what am I lacking Jackie? What can I do to make you change your mind?" he pleads and clutches on my arm as tears trickle down his eyes.

I look away and calmed myself. I need to be strong, for Star and for Marco. "Marco, you don't get it do you? You're just not my type what else is there to say?"


"Open your eyes Marco! Don't just focus on me, there's someone who loves you the way you love me," I look at him sadly and removed his hand gently. "--but that will never be me."

I walked away, leaving the brunette on his knees by himself as guilt and pain eats me slowly. I had to do it, I'm doing what's right.

I head down the stairs and tried to find Star or Janna but they weren't there. I passed by countless of people until I see Janna.

"Jann---" I stop when I see the figure in front of her. It's Star and Tom.

"Janna, what's happening?" I ask her but she only clenches her fists. "--why is Tom hugging Star?" she murmurs softly.

"Did she realize she loved Tom all along and not Marco?" she says and I could feel the angst and dread behind those words. "--but I loved Tom first. I love him even if he pushes me away, even if he was that guy who almost never muttered a thing, said hurtful things to me."

"B-b-but why is he letting Star hug him?" she croaks. "--does he feel the same way too?"

"Janna, don't assume anything just yet," I held her shoulder and she turns to me with a worn out look in her face. "--how can I not assume when they're hugging in front of me?"

I look closer and see that Star is...sobbing. Dread and horror immediately kicks in me as I put all the pieces together. "Janna, this is my fault."


"Star probably heard..."

"He-heard what?"

"Marco confessing to me."

STAR FRIENDZONED |COMPLETED✔|Where stories live. Discover now