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E p i l o g u e  :

I always believed in love.

I've been a hopeless romantic for as long as I can remember. I wanted to be like those princess who had a prince awaiting for them. To have a grand romantic story or atleast someone who'll sweep me off my feet.

But sometimes life just doesn't work that way. I fell in love with a guy, and though I've had a fair share of romance with him, it's just that we're not meant to be.

I always wanted to fall in love. To be loved. To be living a sweet life, but I forgot something I should've done before.

I forgot to love myself.

All my life, I've only been insecure. Been desperate, been trying to get the person I like to like me back that  I let go of everything just for this person.

It's like my world only revolved around love, around guys, around crushes and I forgot to think about myself. What do I want? Who do I want to be?

And when I'm ready. When I finally found my own worth, there's someone out there waiting for me.

When that time comes, I know I'll be ready.

. . .

3 years later....

Do you remember our promise? Today's the day we promised to ourselves.

I anxiously walked inside the school building as students passed by me while I was reminded of my own youth. I was only a few steps away yet I was afraid.

But I chose to go anyway.

And I couldn't help but smile.



Friendzoned (c)2017
Reboot : March 31- April 23, 2020

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