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C H A P T E R T E N - F R I E N D

An early update!

"So why has this became a conference?"

I look at Janna as she looks away and pretends not to notice my glare. Jackie awkwardly scratches her head and Tom, well Tom is Tom.

"You said it was only me and you!" I say at her but she only chuckles nervously.

I huff and crossed my arms. "I have nothing to say. Well I did cry over that idiot, but I'm okay now."

"I'm sorry, Star," Jackie apologizes and I dart her a glare. "Why are you apologizing? It's not like Marco's entitled to like me anyway."

"But I felt like you might hate me," Jackie murmurs and I soften. "--I'm not that stupid, Jackie. Why would I resent you over a boy that you didn't even have any choice?"

"It's just that.." I smile and shake my head. "--I'm foolish, just that. I thought that Marco actually liked me and your encouragement drove me further."

"But it's not foolish Star!" Jackie looks at me with disapproval, she slams her hands on the table and looks at me straight in the eye. "--you've liked Marco for so long and I don't think that's foolish. Those feelings of yours are precious, they are who you are."

Janna nods and looks at me with determination in her eyes. "Are you just gonna give up because he likes Jackie? Is that how shallow your feelings are?"

"I have no choice," I croak. "--what can I do anyway? I tried didn't I? I tried in every discreet way to say that I liked him but he was so naive to even notice."

"That's exactly why," Janna snaps her fingers. "--you don't just expect someone to understand right away your discreet movements. You have to scream it loud in his face."

"And we're starting now!" Janna says loudly and I looked at her in confusion. What does she mean now? "Marco's heart is crushed right now."

She looks at me that screams mischievous and I don't feel good about it. Her face turns into like a lost woman, with her eyes fluttering and says. "A man who is in need will need someone and who else to fulfill that role?"

"Who exactly?"

"You idiot!" she points at me. "--you go to Marco's house right now and comfort him! Then he'll see you're so kind and gentle and he'll fall in love!"

"Me?" I say in disbelief. "--aren't I heartbroken too? Why are you asking me to comfort someone that is the reason for my sadness?"

"Because you like him?" she stated flatly like it was the obvious.

"That's asking me to commit suicide!" I retort but Janna covers her eyes and decided to play her childish game. "-very mature of you, Janna."

"I'm not doing it," I refuse. "---no matter what."

. . .

Don't bother asking me why I arrived in front of the Diaz house. I look at Tom and frowned. "I thought we were allies, Tom."

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