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C H A P T E R  F I V E - Y O U R S

"Who the hell is-----"

I paused.

First of all, let me explain.  I'm not frankly a morning person--especially on weekends. If someone wakes me up it better be important or I'll scratch their faces off with my claws.

Second, it was six thirty in the morning---like the time I wake up for almost every school day. I despised that time and it ticks me off that a person exactly woke me up at that time.

Third, well I'm humiliated. I'll remind myself to kick Laxus's ass for being such a jerk that he didn't tell me who was waiting for me downstairs. Little did I know it wasn't one of his pranks to make me ticked.

With my remaining dignity, I manged to rush myself back into my room and wore more appropriate clothes. I glanced at the mirror and almost had a breakdown when I saw how horrifying I looked. Strands of hair stood up, I tried flattening it by patting my hair but it didn't budge. I let the cool water get into my system. I shivered as I rubbed my face.

I took once last glance before exiting my room and walking down the stairs, ignoring the fact I just embarrassed myself.

"H-hey," I sheepishly stutter. I looked at him and he looked so amused.

"Hey, not much of an early bird are you?" he grinned, showing his pearly white teeth.

I took a seat beside him."Very."


"What brings you here?" I inquired, my eyes waiting for his answer.

I mean he wouldn't just randomly visit me---unless he has feelings for me. Geez, I should stop reading manga's.

"It's almost Janna's birthday, and I didn't know what to give her so I'm asking if you're willing to go with me to the mall and give me some advice or help me with buying her gift."

Like a date?


I smiled, it was so wide that the  sides of my cheeks began to hurt as well. "Sure, well I better get dressed up and it's not like I had anything to do."


"What does Janna particularly like?" Marco questioned, his eyes still focused on the accessories. One hand of his trailed against the fabric of the scarf.

I draw out a sigh. "She'll probably want weird and creepy things. She's like into dark magic and those things."

This time he turned and faced me, his hazel eyes shone from the fluoresent lights. Then his eyes trailed on mine, eyebrow raised. "Really?"

I chuckled in disbelief. I mean how could he not tell what Janna likes? We have been cliques for quite a long time or it's just that he's rather unobservant. "You don't know that? If Janna founds out about this she would fake-cry and ask for money."


"You already bought Janna a gift?" Marco spoke.

I nodded. I glanced at the outline of the shop. We entered this freaky shop with dolls that look haunted, masks and some weird stuffs like a toy finger.

My eyes landed on a particular book. I picked it up to my curiosity and my eyes lit up. I slowly read the title. "History of Exorcism".

With the book clutched at my chest, I walked towards Marco and tapped his shoulder lightly, causing him to jolt a bit. "This, I'm pretty sure Janna would like it."

I handed him the book, his eyes trailed the words and smiled. "Okay, then let's buy this thing."


We had purchased Janna's gift and there was nothing left but roam around the mall. Suddenly, Marco suggests that we should go to a bookstore. I agreed and let my feet carried me.

My eyes roamed around the different genre and selection of books. I was too enthralled in reading a book I just randomly picked that I didn't  realize where Marco was.

When  I did, my eyes shot up, trying to find the head of a  particular brunette. I almost stood up from my position when a stuffed toy blocked my view. My forehead wrinkled, what the hell?

"Hey," the stuffed toy spoke---I mean the person spoke and it removed the stuffed toy making me see the visage  of the owner.

I smiled. "Marco."

My eyes trailed back to the stuffed toy. "Where did you get that?"

"I won it," he simply said.

"Here," he suddenly handed me the stuffed toy. I hesitantly accepted it. My hands carressed the stuffed toy. It was a pink dog with a lot of fur and looked really adorable.

"It's  yours now," he says.

My eyes lit up with excitement. "M-mine?"

"Yes, yours," his smile widens and I can't help but smile warmly as I clutch on the stuffed toy.

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