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I swing my feet over the side of the bed I was just in, my feet hitting the cold floor. The air conditioning in the room makes goosebumps appear on my arms and legs, my entire body frozen. That's probably due to the fact that I am completely naked.

I reach over the bare chest of the guy sleeping soundly on the bed, grabbing my phone from the bedside table. The screen lights up, the light almost blinding me. I hurriedly click on my best friend's name in my contacts, placing the phone against my ear when it starts ringing.

"What do you want?"

The low tenor of his voice is slightly muffled, meaning that he probably has his face pressed into his pillow. I chuckle silently at his half-asleep form, standing up to look for my clothes.

"I need you to pick me up Jinyoung, I'm kind of stranded at some guy's house."

He groans loudly into the phone, but I can hear the rustling of his sheets as he gets up.

"You're lucky I love you, you slut" he says grumpily, obviously not in a good mood. I have gotten my ass up to pick him up from some random chick's house, so he can do the same for me. I roll my eyes as I press the phone against my cheek while I try and pull my dress over my head. I then put my heels back on, going into the guy's bathroom to fix my hair. I fix the small amount of smudging I have around my lips from my red lipstick before winking at my reflection, walking out of the stranger's apartment.

You see, I am the female version of who people call a fuckboi. I play with guys and then drop them when they get too boring. No, I am not proud of what I do, but that doesn't stop me from doing it. I go out with a guy for a while and then end it, not looking back. It's not like I do it for fun, I just don't feel anything towards them. If I ended up getting real feelings for the guy, of course I would stay with him. That just hasn't happened yet.

The people at the university I go to have mixed feelings about it, although I don't really care about what they think. They either think I'm cool and mysterious and go after me themselves, or they think I'm a slut for doing what I do. My view is that they don't know me so they have no right to call me names or slut shame me. How come guys can do the same exact thing I do and be called "cool" or "popular" while I do it and get called a slut and a whore?

I step outside and smile at the sight of the familiar car parked outside the building. He got here fast. I slide in to the passenger seat before kissing Jinyoung on the cheek, buckling my seatbelt as I do so.

"Thank you best friend!" I yell while smiling at the grouchy guy next to me, giggling at the way he grumbles moodily.

"I hate you" he says while glaring at me, causing me to laugh and pinch his cheek.

"I love you too babe."

I don't miss the smile that spreads across his face as he shakes his head, his eyes focusing on the road as he starts to drive us back to our apartment building.

"Who was it this time?" he asks curiously as he stops at a stop light, his head turning towards me once again. I shrug to answer his question, not missing the way he rolls his eyes at me.

"I think his name was Zihoe or Zibo or something. I forgot really. All I know is that he was really good in bed."

He lets out a small laugh at my answer, facing forward again when the light turns green.

"Good in bed huh? Was he better than Jackson?"

I hit his arm playfully at the mention of our mutual friend Jackson, a smile growing on my face. He is part of our friend group, but we have sex on occasion. We don't have any feelings for each other besides lust though.

"Of course not. No one is better than Jackson."

We laugh together before talking about random stuff, like what classes we are dreading to go to tomorrow and what we are going to do with the guys after the day is over. We walk up the stairs of our apartment building, seeing as we are only on the second floor, linking arms while we walk to our rooms. He is right across the hallway from me, making it easier to get together in the mornings.

"You better remember to wake me up you hoe" he says while kissing my cheek. I wave goodbye before closing my door behind me, setting my alarm for seven o'clock tomorrow morning. He's lucky I love him, or I would let his ass be late every day.

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