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I look down at her hand in shock as she holds my own, not understanding what is going on. Her hold is tight as she leads the two of us away from the rest of my friends, her walking surprisingly fast in those heels. I look over my shoulder at my friends as we go, sighing when all they do is wave at me while making cat-calls.

I don't know what came over her, but it may have something to do with the fact that she just saw her older cousin. When she told us that she would punch her if they were in the same room, I think she meant it. She looked almost upset at the fact that she didn't go up to her and hit her right there and then, it obvious that she was restraining herself.

I can't help but wonder what their relationship was like. What could her cousin have done to make her hate her so much? 

I blink when I am pulled into a dark room, the door closing behind us. The only thing that I can see is the sliver of light form the hallway outside that seeps in from underneath the door, everything else completely dark. I can feel Hyuna's breath as it fans against the side of my neck, her hand still holding mine.

"Why did she have to get transferred here? Why couldn't she have left me alone?" Hyuna whispers. I don't answer her, not knowing how. It was like she was asking herself that question anyway, the anger and confusion evident in her voice. 

It is obvious that whatever her cousin did to her has been haunting her for a while. I can tell by the way her hand tightens around mine, her breathing getting heavier as if to prevent herself from crying. I have no idea how to comfort her though. I'm not used to being around people who are in need of someone to console them, so all I do is stand still.

I wasn't expecting to do anything while we were in here. That's why I jump when I feel her soft lips press against the skin of my neck. My breath hitches in my throat at the feeling of her tongue as it flicks out to trail up to my ear, her teeth biting down softly my earlobe.

"What are you d-doing?" I ask shakily, it getting harder and harder to focus as she peppers my skin with her addictive kisses. She doesn't answer me, her hands trailing underneath my shirt and tracing the outline of my faint abs. Her feet walk us backwards until my back is against the wall, her body warm as it presses up against mine.

"Can we at least turn the lights on?"

I reach over to the side of the door, my hand fumbling around as I blindly try and look for a light switch.

"No" she says quietly, the tone of her voice causing me to stop my actions. I don't know what to do or think at this time, my eyes wide as I stare at her outline in the dark. Something is definitely wrong with her. She seems almost uncertain as she stands in front of me, her uncertainty making me concerned.

"What is it? What's wrong Hyuna?"

"I just......" she trails off as her hands play with the fabric of my shirt. "I just need to distract myself."

ouch, ok. So I'm a distraction now? 

When I don't say anything to her statement she goes back to what she was doing before, one hand underneath my shirt while the other is in my hair. She forcefully moves my head to the side as she goes back to marking up my skin, her teeth trailing along the slope of my neck. I can't seem to focus on anything, her soft touches driving me insane and causing a small moan to escape from my parted lips. I do know that this is wrong though. She needs to talk to someone about her problems, not distract herself from them like this.

"Hyuna, I don't think this is the right thing to do" I say softly, gently distancing myself from her. 

"Please, Namjoon......"

I stop, my mouth hanging slack. I have never heard her sound that way before. She sounded almost broken as she had said that, her usually-strong voice breaking slightly as she did. This is the first time I have ever heard her so fragile and emotional. That's why I don't stop her when she brings her mouth to mine.

Her mouth moves with mine at a fast pace, it as if she wants to forget something and replace the emptiness with pleasure. I let her do whatever she wants this time, not stopping her at all. I instead increase the pressure, moving my hands so that they are on her waist. The slight wetness that hits my lips confuses me for a moment before I fully understand, my eyebrows creasing.

That's why she brought me in here. That's also why she didn't want me to turn the lights on. She didn't want anyone to see her cry. 

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