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"That is not fucking true!" I yell as my mouth drops open, Jin laughing at the look of disbelief on my face.

"Tell him it's not true, Monie" I say as I turn to where Namjoon was standing, my eyebrows creasing in confusion when he is no longer there. I look around the kitchen with a slight frown, not entirely sure when he left because I could have sworn he was there just a second ago.

I look back over at Jin and he shrugs, his face filled with confusion as well. I guess we might have gotten a little carried away catching up, but we haven't seen each other since the movie night the guys and I had. Whereas people like Jungkook, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Taehyung get to see me every day, Yoongi and Jimin only see me every once in a while. Jin is the only one that I can't see at Uni because of the classes he takes and our schedules, so I guess we might have hurt Namjoon's feelings by not really including him in our conversation.

I stand up from my seat and wave to Jin, making my way out of the kitchen and back into the living room. I smooth my hands down on the sweatshirt I am wearing and mentally remind myself to give it back to Jungkook before I leave today. He let me where it one day when it was really cold outside, and I forgot to give it back.

When I get to the living room, Namjoon isn't in there. I sigh when I realize that he must have gone back to his room, it clear that he was even more upset at being left out than I originally thought.

I freeze when someone's arms wrap around me from behind, my body being pulled into a muscular one. The body is warm, eluding to the fact that they aren't wearing a shirt. Strong arms keep me flush against a firm chest and I turn my head so that I can see who it is, smiling slightly when Jimin beams down at me.

"Hey Hyuna" he greets warmly, pulling me even tighter against him. "you're looking nice today."

"Thanks?" I say with a questioning tone, not really sure what he could be talking about seeing as I'm wearing an over-size sweatshirt and a pair of black skinny jeans right now. I have a strapless, dark red bandeau on underneath it, but there is no way that he knows that.

He lets go and I step away from him, turning to take all of him in. I kind of expected him to be shirtless, but I was not expecting him to be as ripped as he is. He seems to know exactly what I am thinking as well, a smirk appearing on his face as I check him out.

"Damn, Jimin, I didn't know you had abs. They look good."

He shrugs cockily and I push him away playfully, laughing when he pretends as if I injured him. I shake my head and turn around so that I can head over to Namjoon's room to check on him, stopping in my tracks when I see that he is already standing there.

"Oh, hey Monie. I was just on my way to find......you" I trial off when he rolls his eyes and walks away, me not entirely sure why he is upset. Was it the hug or the abs comment? Whatever it was, it looks like I'm going to have to apologize for that too.

"Being in a relationship is hard" I mumble to myself, glaring at Jimin over my shoulder when he laughs. He smiles apologetically at me, but he doesn't look all that sorry. In fact, he doesn't even look sorry for making Namjoon mad. If I were to describe the look on his face, it would probably be smug. Oh well. I don't have time to try and figure out what he is thinking when I have Namjoon to worry about.

I make my way over to his room and knock lightly on the door, it squeaking slightly as it swings open. He must not have closed it all of the way, my steps quiet as I peak my head in before entering.

"Can you please tell me what I did wrong so that I can apologize for it?" I ask as I walk over to where he is sitting on his bed, sighing when he continues to ignore me by looking down at his phone.

I roll my eyes before crawling on the bed with him, straddling his hips by putting my knees on either side of his legs. He doesn't look away from his cellular device until I force him to by grabbing his chin between my thumb and index finger, gently lifting his head so that he is look up at me.

"Tell me what's wrong."

He sighs, "you were basically ignoring me, and then you went and hung all over Jimin and started drooling over his abs."

Over-exaggeration of the year, but whatever I think to myself, replying to him in a soft tone.

"Monie, I was just catching up with Jin because I hadn't seen him in a while, and I was just giving Jimin a compliment. He obviously worked really hard for his abs, and I just wanted to say something nice about his dedication."

His lips seem to pout and I can't help but smile down at him, quickly schooling my features when he glares up at me.

"Fine, I'm sorry. I should have waited until after we talked to greet Jin, and I won't ever compliment Jimin again. What do I have to do to make it up to you?"

"Take the sweatshirt off" he says immediately, eyeing the article of clothing as if it murdered a puppy in front of his eyes. I shrug it off and place it on the bed beside us, smiling when I feel his hands slide up the front of my legs before wrapping around my back and pulling me closer to his chest.

"That's better" he tilts his head up more and I know exactly what he wants, my lips meeting his in a soft kiss.

I can't help but feel a little worried though. At first I thought it was cute how Namjoon would get all jealous and pouty when Jungkook or one of the other guys would give me attention, but now, I'm a little worried that he might be getting real feelings for me. I honestly don't think I will ever be able to trust anyone enough to try to have an actual relationship with them, and although Namjoon is definitely boyfriend material, I don't think I want to continue the bet for longer than the end of this semester.

I also really don't want him to want to start a real relationship with me. He's starting to take things a little too seriously, and I think I'm going to have to talk to him about it soon. I really like hanging out with him and the guys, and I think they would get along really well with my friend group. I want to be able to hang out with them after this bet is over, but if he gets feelings for me we won't be able to.

I pull away from the kiss and move to stand up only for him to tighten his hold around me, him burying his face in the crook of my neck.

"We should go on a date."

"Huh?" I ask hesitantly, not liking where this is going.

He clears his throat, "well, couples go on dates all the time. We aren't really dating, but I think it might be fun."

I nibble on my lower lip before nodding, glad that he isn't looking at me so he doesn't have to see my hesitation. I wanted to talk to him about my cousin as well as him getting feelings for me, but it looks like that will have to wait. He's already upset enough as it is, so it's not like I could say no to his request.

I will go on this "date" with him, but afterwards we need to have a serious talk. I hope we get things straight quickly because I really don't want to hurt someone as nice as him.

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