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I groan as the light hits my eyes, the room filling with loud voices. I try and block the sounds out with my pillow, but it is no use. It is suddenly taken away from me, my blankets yanked off of me as well.

"Ain't that a pretty sight" Jackson says, no doubt talking about how I go to sleep with only my underwear on. I roll my eyes as I sit up, aware of the fact that my face is bare and my hair is probably a mess on the top of my head. I disregard all of that, instead deciding to glare heatedly at Jackson, Mark, and Jinyoung as they stare innocently at me.

"Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. Room."

I watch as they scurry out, their loud laughter ringing in my ears even after they disappear. Looks like the guys are hanging out at my place today.

I hurriedly slip on some grey sweatpants and a black tank top, putting my hair in a high ponytail. I wash my face before brushing my teeth, winking at my reflection before heading out of my room.

I cross my arms at the seven guys sitting in front of my tv, feeling as if a black cloud of evil is surrounding me like how they depict it in the anime shows I watch. I smirk as they gulp as one, their eyes wide with fear.

"Why am I friends with you guys?" I ask jokingly as I shake my head from side to side. Yugyeom swings an arm over my shoulders as I sit down next to him, placing his head on my shoulder.

"Because you love us obviously."

••••••••••••••time skip cuz I'm lazy af

"So, who are you going after now that you've had a taste of the Jungcock?"

I chuckle at Jaebum's joke before shrugging my shoulders.

"I don't know. Whoever catches my attention I guess."

I turn to look at Jinyoung as he sighs tiredly, his eyes holding what looks like disappointment in them.

"When are you gunna stop this babe? I'm getting tired of you fooling around with every guy you meet."

I blanch at his words, my face heating up as I point wordlessly at him.

"Yah! Jinyoung! You can't say shit! You are just as bad as I am you little hoe!"

He shakes his head, leaning forward in his seat slightly.

"I have only been with six girls this semester whereas you have already been with eleven different guys, not counting the ones you get with that don't go to our uni."

I can't help but agree with him on that one.

"I bet she can't go a full semester while staying with only one guy" Youngjae says from his upside down position on the floor. I scowl at their smug faces, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Alright, fine. I bet that I can go a full semester."

Bambam smirks at me, opening his mouth to speak.

"We will know if you cheat as well. That also means you have to stay away from me, Jackson hyung, Youngjae hyung, Jinyoung hyung, Jaebum hyung, and Mark hyung."

"Hey!" Yugyeom yells from his spot next to me.

"Why didn't you mention my name?"

I turn to look at him, getting closer to his face as I do so. I watch in amusement as his cheeks tinge with pink, his eyes looking anywhere in the room but at me.

"Yugyeomie, you are way too innocent for me to even consider having sex with you."

He stops to think as I back up from him, his head nodding in agreement.

"You right."

Complete opposites: Kim Namjoon smutWhere stories live. Discover now