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Train To Busan ended and I was a sobbing mess. Literally. I started crying after the scene with the old woman, taking short breaks in between my crying until the end. The last ten to twenty minutes of the movie had me sobbing my eyes out, Namjoon glancing at me from time to time looking at me as if I am crazy.

The movie ends and I accept the tissues that Hoseok hands over to me, his eyes glossy as well. Even Jimin is sniffling a little, Jungkook looking off to the side and pretending like he isn't feeling sad. I shake out my hands before standing to throw the used tissue away, siting back down next to Namjoon after I am finished.

"Can we watch a funny movie now?" Hoseok asks quietly, wiping a little bit at his eyes. Everyone nods in agreement and I can't help but sigh in relief, happy that the movie is over. Don't get me wrong, I love the movie, it just makes me so sad afterwards.

"Wait! How about a war movie? We could watch 71: Into The Fire" Namjoon suggests with a teasing smirk on his face as he looks over at me. A/N: If you didn't know, that is another AMAZING yet sad movie

"You put that on and I won't hesitate to castrate you" I say lowly, watching as his face pales. I smirk as the others laugh, Yoongi standing up to put in the movie Snatched.

The movie starts to play and the boys immediately start laughing while they read the Korean subtitles. My eyes wander though. I look over at Namjoon as he watches the movie, a sudden smirk taking over my face. I guess I could give him his first lesson tonight.

I slowly reach over to the blankets that they had lain out for us to use, using one big one to place onto the both of us. I put some over Jungkook as well to make it seem less suspicious, putting both of my hands underneath the soft fabric.

I run my hand up Namjoon's thigh before going higher, smirking when he jumps a little bit. He looks at me with wide eyes as I do it again, glancing around the room to see if anyone is paying attention to us at the moment.

"What are you doing?" he whispers quietly, his hand reaching down to hold onto my wrist and stop my movements. I smile up at him as I lean towards him, already having fun.

"I'm upholding my part of the deal to make you more spontaneous. What better way to start than to do this in a room full of your friends as you try not to get caught?"

He doesn't say anything, so I use my other hand to loosen his hold on my wrist, continuing what I was doing before. I watch as his chest rises and falls as I kneed him through his pants, smirking in satisfaction when I feel his bulge getting bigger and harder. He gasps quietly when I reach into the hem of his sweat pants and take him in my hand, his lips parting as I pump up and down his hardening shaft.

He hisses as I run my finger over his slit, using some of his precum as a lubricant. His eyes are closed as I stroke him faster, making me look around just in case. No one is looking at us, them too into the movie.

I am greatly impressed when he doesn't make a sound when he cums. The only indication I got was from his body suddenly going slack as he calms himself down. I pull my hand away and he hurriedly tucks himself back into his pants, his frantic movement causing me to giggle softly.

"Where are you going Namjoon?" Jin asks when he spots Namjoon standing up from his seat. Namjoon glances at me and I wink, his cheeks turning pink as he answers.

"I just have to go to the bathroom real quick."

I watch him as he leaves, not missing it when he stops before reaching the corner to look back at me. He motions for me to follow him and I raise an eyebrow as he disappears, turning back around to wait for a little while before following him out. This is more like it.

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