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I sigh as I try and focus on what the professor is saying, my pencil doodling random things in the margins of my notebook. He hasn't really started his lecture yet, but I usually have my notes all set up before he even starts saying his pleasantries, my mind straying to the date I practically forced Hyuna to go on with me. 

She was a good enough sport about it, but I could tell that she was hesitant when I first asked. I don't even know why I asked her to go out with me in the first place. We aren't a real couple, and I know that she is going to want to cut ties with me as soon as this semester is over. I just got so angry when I saw Jimin parading in front of her without a shirt on, the fact that she complimented him as well driving me over the edge with jealously.

I really need to work on that because it has been making me do things that are probably sending her mixed signals. I don't like what she does or how she carries herself, but I can't deny that being with her thus far has made me enjoy her presence. I like how honest and open she is with everyone, it as if she doesn't give a shit about what anyone else thinks of her. If she would settle down with one person for more than a couple days outside of it being for a bet, I think she would make a really good girlfriend. As it is though, I don't see her dating anyone for a long time. 

The door opens behind me and I turn in my seat to see who came in late, my eyes widening when I recognize the female walking towards me. I'm pretty sure Hyuna referred to her as her cousin, me finding slight similarities in their eyes. That's where they stop though, the two women completely different in the way they dress and enhance their features. 

I can't hep but wonder why Hyuna seems to hate her so much as I take in the woman's modest dress and perfectly styled hair, their personalities seemingly different. While Hyuna is transparent in her sexuality and confidence, this woman seems a little quiet and introverted as she makes eyes contact with the professor up in front before bowing slightly and taking the seat next to me. I look around before realizing that that was the only other seat open, slouching in my own as I wonder if I should make polite conversation or ignore her since Hyuna seems to dislike her so much.

"H-hey, I'm Jiyoo" she says softly, her choosing for me as she decides to introduce herself. "Didn't I see you with my cousin, Hyuna, the other day?"

I look up front and see that our professor has started his lecture already, his back towards us as a video plays on the projector. I look at the information before realizing that it's just a recap from last class, me turning my attention onto the shy girl sitting next to me.

"Yeah. I'm Namjoon, but I'm not really sure if I should be talking to you right now seeing as Hyuna seems to hate you."

"N-no offense" I spit out hastily when she frowns, her eyes leaving mine to study the desk in front of her. I bite my lip as I cuss myself out in my head, not liking that I managed to upset her with one sentence. 

She sighs, "it's ok. It's been a couple of years so I thought she would have forgiven me by now, but it looks like she's still upset."

This peeks my curiosity, my fingers tapping against my notebook as I look down at Jiyoo. 

"What did you do?"

She looks up at me and smiles sadly, "I was jealous and made a mistake that lost me my closest friend. I wish I could take back what I did."

I can't help but feel bad for her as she turns back to the front, her now paying attention to the lesson. She has this innocent beauty about her that makes me want to trust her, and she seems genuine enough. Maybe Hyuna is just blowing things out of proportion. She never did tell me what made her hate Jiyoo in the first place, so maybe I could talk some sense into her. I wouldn't put it against Hyuna to hold a grudge over something stupid and petty, and Jiyoo seems like too nice of a girl to do anything too horrible.

I add on to the notes I wrote last time for the remainder of the class before it is finally time for us to leave. I don't have any other classes today, so I'm looking forward to going back to the dorm and catching up on some of my reading. I glance over at Jiyoo as she packs her things and notice that she still looks a little down, deciding last minute to talk to her again since I brought up Hyuna and made her mood like this. 

"You just transferred here, right?"

She nods, looking up at me from underneath her eyelashes as she puts her notebook into a light pink book bag. 

"Yeah" she replies, "I went to the sister university, but they didn't offer the elective I needed over there. They said that I could transfer here and continue on with my studies as long as I was aware that I would be held responsible if I fell behind."

I nod, putting my things away as the class empties. We stand at the same time and make our way over to the entrance, stopping when we step out and into the slowly-filling hallway.

"Well, if you ever need to copy my notes or something, I'm willing to help."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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