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"And then he was like, "well I wouldn't wanna date a slut anyway blah blah blah". Pfffft, as if. I can tell when a guy is into me, and Namjoon definitely is."

Jinyoung watches me from his spot across from me on his bed, his shirt still off. Since I have a key to his room, I walked in without asking for permission first. He does it to me all of the time, so I thought that it would be perfectly normal if I did it as well. He was in the middle of changing into his pajamas, his shirt on the ground while his pants were still on.

I take the shot that he offers me, downing it, and making a sound as it leaves a subtle burn in the back of my throat. He hasn't said a word while I described what had happened earlier at Namjoon's dorm, his head resting on his hand and a contemplative look on his face. 

"Well that was rude" he says under his breath as I pour him a shot for himself, him taking it in one go. I nod in agreement as he pours me another one, already feeling a slight buzz from the beers I had drunk on the way to his apartment.

"I know, right? I didn't mean to watch Jimin, but I couldn't help it oppa. He's really hot considering how short he is."

"Wait....what are you talking about?"

My eyebrows crinkle in confusion, "I'm talking about it being rude of me to stare at Namjoon's friend when he obviously didn't like it......what are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about how it was rude of him to call you a trashy slut."

"Oh" I say before giggling, unable to stop the alcohol from taking control over my emotions. Jinyoung looks at me pityingly as I down the shot he just poured for me, shaking his head as I sit so that I am now criss-cross-applesauce on top of his covers.

"That was a low blow on his part Hyuna.....are you sure you're ok?"

Am I ok? I never really thought about that. I never really pay attention to what other people say about me, it leading me to become rather unemotional when it comes to that sort of stuff. I never really take the time to consider if I am ok, it easier for me to focus on what I did to deserve being called names instead. 

"Am I ok? I guess so. I mean, I did kind of invade Jimin's privacy, although he didn't close his door all of the way in the first place. He should have expected that someone would walk in on him. And who the fuck masterbates as soon as they wake up? Actually, I take that back. I know for a fact that Jackson masterbates as soon as he wakes up, especially if its me he wakes up next to. And I'm pretty sure that I've almost walked in on you masterbating in the morning before school once. Why do you masterbate as soon as you wake up? Does it help with learning? Is it a guy thing? Does it feel better--"


I blink multiple times, it getting harder and harder for me to stay upright. I find myself swaying slightly as Jinyoung watches me attempt to sit up straight, a slight frown on his face. I giggle again when I realize that I had been rambling on, something I do a lot when I'm drunk, my cheeks getting hot from the intoxication.

"Sorry, got off track. Anyway, I think I'm ok."

He still doesn't look convinced, his frown still intact as he takes a swig directly from the soju bottle in his hand. I can't help but let my mind wander, it going back to when Namjoon said those mean things.

I understand that he didn't like what I was doing. I understand that he found it weird that anyone would do that in the first place. I understand that he may have been upset that I made it seem as if he thought that he was actually dating me too. I also understand that everyone has the right to say what is on their mind. He just didn't have to say it in such a mean way......

Complete opposites: Kim Namjoon smutWhere stories live. Discover now