She's A What? From Where?

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Y/n's POV

I was lying on kara's couch, wondering when she would return home. As I was waiting, I thought about Alex and how cool she was. I started to hope that in the future we could become really good friends. That was until, there was a news report saying that some plane has been sabotaged and it might fall into the water. I attentively watched what was happening on the screen, as some unidentified flying person swooped under it and guided it to the water safely placing it there.

I started to wonder, "Maybe Superman is in town and decided to help out?" But, all thoughts regarding that one were swept from my mind as whatever rescued the plane climbed on top of the right wing. "KARA'S GOING TO FLIP SHIT, WHEN I TELL HER THIS!" When the planes Savior stood on top of that wing, it occurred to me that it was definitely not Superman. But whoever just saved the plane was female. Whaa?

All these theories were making my head hurt so I settled my head back down on the couch. What was probably 15 minutes passing by, I heard the sound of keys jiggling inside the lock, to get it unlocked. After a couple of minutes whoever it was at the door, stopped trying. After hearing an exasperated sigh, it hit me that it was Kara. I lightly chuckled at her little delima with getting inside. I heard her say, "Y/n? Can you please unlock the door?" My heart broke a little.

As I walked to the door, I thought "How should I greet her?" But the second that door opened I knew what I was gonna do. I swung the door open and screamed her name. I missed her in the 2 hour time span she was gone. "Dork." She mocked. "Well, I'm sorry but I kinda missed you." To my surprise she responded, "Awww, I messed you too you big dope." This caused me to let out a loud, hearty laugh. "You're one to talk Danvers."

"She's got me wrapped around her finger. I'm legitimately whipped and I can't bring myself to care." I helped her back to the couch, since she calmed her feet were sore from her heels. I took her heels off and set her feet in my lap gently massaging them. "How was your date?" She looked at me and frowned "HORRIBLE!" She exclaimed. I frowned too and she chuckled at that. "I'm not usually one to gossip, but I would really love to talk shit about something or someone right now." All I could do was wonder. Wonder why in the hell she hadn't tried to stuff food in her mouth just yet. "Well I've got something to talk about, so I guess it all works out, huh?"

She looked up at me and smiled at that, I smiled back. It made me happy that she was happy, y'know? "Well, don't leave me hanging! What is it?" I chuckled at that. "Did you happen to see the news? Looks like Superman decided to stop by."Her smile faltered a bit, but she quickly covered it up. " Oh yeah? That's...nice." I looked at her quizzically. "What's wrong? You don't seem too happy." She just shook her head and it looked like she was disappointed.

"Would it be too late for me to add on that it was a girl that saved the plane?" I tested. Her eyes shot to mine and she gave me a shy smile. "Well no..." she started. Just then, someone had knocked on the door. Hard. She looked at the door, and then made a face that would've been cute if she wasn't upset. "Damn it, it's Alex." She grumbled as she walked to the door. "How in the hell does she know it's Alex? Maybe she called ahead? No, I'm right here I would've heard it. Maybe she called before Kara got here."

I figured this would be a personal talk so I went into Kara's hallway and shut the door. From the inside I could hear them raising their voices at each other, until one of them said something that must have been hurtful because they both fell silent. Some more words were exchanged and then Alex came out.

"Y/n, I want you to watch over Kara. I mean it, you do whatever it is you feel you need to do to keep her safe." I looked at her with wide eyes. What's got her so worked up? "What's wrong, Alex? What happened in there?" She looked at me, her face void of emotion. "Kara made a fatal decision tonight and I feel like this is one of those arguments where she'll be stubborn, so please, look after her."

I let Alex's words sink in. I've got this. I can do this. Kara is now top priority. "Yeah, Al, I've got you." She nodded at me to signal thanks and left. But, as I stepped into Kara's apartment I sensed some tension still lingering. I noticed that Kara's hair was wet, and I didn't want to ask why, I just assumed it had rained. Which is odd because I don't remember hearing any raindrops.

She looked like she was thinking some things through, so I calmly and slowly walked up to her and brought her back to reality. She immediately looked at me with an expression that looked like fear mixed with guilt, and she gave me a soft, yet sad smile. I looked into her eyes and saw so much pain and loss. It made me feel like she had maybe gone through something traumatizing in the past.

I looked at her. "What's got you so conflicted?" I asked softly. She looked like she was battling internally on deciding whether or not to tell me what was bugging her. "I umm.." Was all she could manage. I just stood there, patiently waiting. I didn't want to rush her. "Follow me." Is all she gave me. She led me outside onto her balcony. I was speechless, so all I did was watch and listen. She looked longingly and lovingly into the night sky.

"There. That's where Superman was from." I looked to where she was pointing and waited for her to continue. "I say 'was' because his planet was destroyed. But before it was destroyed it was beautiful, and it was kinda like earth. With all of the people and such. The only difference is the language spoken. Here we obviously speak English among many other languages. But, back on krypton, the people spoke kryptonese." I just...listened. "How was the planet destroyed? Do you know?" At that, her expression changed, saddened. "It-uhm. It exploded." I looked to her in disbelief. "And how do you know all of this? Surely, Superman didn't just tell you all of this." She smiled slightly. "No, he didn't. Because he was just a baby when this happened. He only knows he's from krypton and how he gets his powers, nothing else." I'm really starting to wonder how she knows all of this. "I only know this because-well because..." Oh. My. God. Kara's an alien. "I-Oh god, never mind, forget I said anything." It must be hard to tell people who you really are. "Hey don't worry about it. Tell you what: You sleep on it tonight and tell me tomorrow. Okay?" She let out a dry laugh. " I'M AN ALIEN OKAY!? I'm not from here. I'm a refugee." I looked at her and just decided to hug her. It seemed like she needed it. "It doesn't matter where you're from, Kara. I'll still be by your side the entire time. It's you and me against the world." She didn't say anything and just hugged me tighter.

I really should be getting home but first, I gotta put Kara to bed. "G'night Kar." It's been a really long day and I'm pretty tired. "Wait, where are you going?" I turned towards her. "I gotta get home. I'll see you tomorrow." She frowned. "Stay the night. Pleaseeeee?" "Ugh fine. But only because you're too cute for your own good." Might as well I guess. "No, not the couch. C'mon. Get in the bed." Uh-oh. I do not want to be in bed with her. Bad news bears, man. "Oh-uhm okay." I climb in bed without a single word, curl up on my side and force myself to go to sleep.

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